What Is the Average Play Time in an NFL Game?

The average play time in an NFL game is 60 minutes. However, the game is divided into four quarters, each of which is 15 minutes long.


When most people think of an NFL game, they envision two teams of big, strong men tackling each other for 60 minutes. However, the average play time in an NFL game is actually only about 11 minutes. The rest of the time is spent on things like huddles,clock stoppages, and other dead time.

So if the average play time in an NFL game is only 11 minutes, why do games last so much longer? The answer has to do with the fact that there are four quarters in an NFL game, each lasting 15 minutes. However, these 15-minute quarters are not continuous. There are numerous stoppages of play throughout each quarter, including:

– commercials
All of these stoppages add up, and they cause the average play time in an NFL game to be much lower than the 60 minutes that are on the clock.

The average play time in an NFL game

The average play time in an NFL game is 60 minutes. This is including the time between plays, which is around 20 to 25 seconds. That leaves around 35 to 40 minutes of actual playing time. So, if you’re wondering how long an NFL game actually is, the answer is around 60 minutes.

The average play time in an NFL game by quarter

The average play time in an NFL game is about 60 minutes, divided into four quarters. Each quarter consists of two 15-minute halves. There is a 12-minute break between the first and second quarters, and a two-minute break between the third and fourth quarters.

The average play time in an NFL game by half

The game of football is divided into two halves: the first and second. Each half is made up of two quarters. The average play time in an NFL game by half is as follows:
-First Half: 12 minutes
-Second Half: 12 minutes

Grand total, an NFL game consists of 48 minutes of play time.

How the average play time in an NFL game has changed over time

The average play time in an NFL game has fluctuated over the years but has generally been on the rise. In 2012, the average play time in an NFL game was 3 hours and 7 minutes. This increased to 3 hours and 12 minutes in 2013, and then 3 hours and 23 minutes in 2014.

The average play time in an NFL game by year

The average play time in an NFL game has changed over time, with the average play time in 2018 being just over 11 minutes. The average play time in 2017 was just over 10 minutes, and the average play time in 2016 was just over 9 minutes. The average play time in 2015 was just over 8 minutes.


Based on the data, the average play time in an NFL game is 11 minutes.

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