What Is The Best Tennis Racket Size?

The answer to this question largely depends on your playing style, arm strength, and tennis goals. In this blog post, we’ll help you select the best tennis racket size for your game.


Choosing the right tennis racket is important for any player, whether you’re a beginner or an expert. The right racket can help you improve your game, while the wrong racket can make it harder to play. One of the most important factors in choosing a tennis racket is the size. Here’s a look at what you need to know to choose the best tennis racket size for your game.

The size of a tennis racket is measured by the length and width of the head. The length is measured from the top of the frame to the bottom, while the width is measured from side to side. A standard tennis racket is 27 inches long and 23 inches wide. However, there are also smaller and larger rackets available.

The size of the head is important because it affects how much power you can generate with your swings. A larger head provides more surface area, which gives you more power. However, a larger head also makes it slightly harder to control your shots. As a general rule, beginners or players with slower swings should choose a smaller head size, while experienced players with faster swings can opt for a larger head size.

In addition to swing speed, another factor that affects your choice of racket size is grip size. Grip size refers to the circumference of the handle and is measured in inches. Most rackets have a grip size between 4 and 5 inches. If you have small hands, you may want to choose a grip size closer to 4 inches. If you have large hands, you may prefer a grip size closer to 5 inches. You can also find intermediate sizes like 4 1/2 inches or 4 3/4 inches.

Once you’ve chosen the right length and width for your playing style, you need to decide on the weight of your racket. Racket weight is measured in ounces and reflects how much weight is in the frame and handle of the racket. Heavier rackets usually provide more power, while lighter rackets offer better maneuverability and control. Beginners or players with slower swings may want to choose a heavier racket for more power, while experienced players with faster swings may prefer a lighter racket for better control over their shots

What is the best tennis racket size for a beginner?

If you are just starting out playing tennis, it is important to choose the right racket size. A racket that is too small or too big can make the game more difficult and less enjoyable. The best tennis racket size for a beginner is usually a mid-size racket. This means that the racket is not too big or too small, and it is easy to control. You can also find rackets that come in different sizes, so you can try different sizes to see what feels best for you.

What is the best tennis racket size for an intermediate player?

When it comes to choosing the best tennis racket size, there is no “one size fits all” solution. The best racket size for you will depend on your height, weight, strength, and playing style.

If you’re an intermediate player, you’re likely looking for a racket that will offer more power and control than a beginner racket, but not as much weight and bulk as a professional racket. An intermediate player is typically between 4’11” and 6’2” tall.

The most important factor to consider when choosing the best tennis racket size for an intermediate player is grip size. Grip size is measured in 8ths of an inch and can be determined by measuring the width of your hand at the base of your fingers (not including your thumb). If you measure between 3⅛” and 3¾“, you will need a grip size of 4 ½“; if you measure between 3⅞“ and 4¼“, you will need a grip size of 5.

Once you have determined your grip size, you can narrow down your choices by considering head size, weight, balance point, string pattern, and material. Head size refers to the total surface area of the hitting area of the racket; a larger head means more power but less control, while a smaller head offers more control but less power. Weight is self-explanatory; heavier rackets offer more power but are more difficult to swinging, while lighter rackets are easier to swing but offer less power.

The balance point is the point on the racket where it would balance if it were suspended from that point; a head-heavy racket will have most of its weight towards the top of the head (near where your hand goes), while a handle-heavy or balanced racket will have most of its weight near the bottom (towards where the strings are). A head-heavy or handle-heavy racket can be difficult to control for some players. String pattern refers to how many main (vertical) strings and cross (horizontal) strings there are in the hitting area; a higher number of main strings generally means more power but less spin potential, while a higher number of cross strings means more spin potential but less power. Finally, material affects both feel and performance; newer graphite composites offer superior power and control compared to older metal alloys like aluminum or steel

What is the best tennis racket size for an advanced player?

For an advanced player, the best tennis racket size is a mid-plus or a player’s racket. A mid-plus has a head size that is between 90 and 94 square inches. A player’s racket has a head size of 85 to 89 square inches. If you are an advanced player with a short or compact strokes, you should use a mid-plus racket. If you have long strokes, you should use a player’s racket.


In conclusion, the best tennis racket size for you is the one that provides the most control and power. It is important to experiment with different size racquets to find the one that gives you the best results. Be sure to also consult with a coach or experienced player to get their opinion on what size racket will work best for your game.

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