What Is The Cheapest NFL Team To Buy?

A look at the least expensive teams to buy in the NFL.

What Is The Cheapest NFL Team To Buy?

The Cheapest Teams

The Buffalo Bills, Miami Dolphins, and New York Jets are the three cheapest teams in the NFL, based on the average cost of a ticket to their games.

Cleveland Browns

The Cleveland Browns are the cheapest team to buy in the NFL, according to a new study from Forbes.

The Browns are valued at $1.6 billion, which is less than half of the league average of $3.2 billion. The team is also the least valuable franchise in major league sports.

The study found that the average NFL team is worth $2.34 million per player, while the Browns are worth just $1.17 million per player.

The Browns have been struggling on the field in recent years, posting a record of just 1-15 in 2016. The team has also been plagued by off-field problems, including the firing of head coach Hue Jackson earlier this month.

Despite their struggles, the Browns are still one of the most popular teams in the NFL, due in part to their passionate fan base. The team has sold out every home game since 1999, and they have a waiting list for season tickets that exceeds 100,000 people.

Cincinnati Bengals

The Cincinnati Bengals are the cheapest NFL team to buy. The average cost of a Bengals ticket is $65, which is 31.5% below the league average of $95. The Bengals also have the cheapest season tickets in the NFL, with prices starting at just $339 for 10 games.

Miami Dolphins

In 2019, the Miami Dolphins were the cheapest NFL team to buy, coming in at an average of just $2,493. That’s nearly $1,000 less than the league average of $3,397.

The Dolphins are followed by the Buffalo Bills ($2,732), the New York Jets ($2,846), and the Cleveland Browns ($2,954). At the other end of the spectrum, the most expensive team to buy is the New England Patriots, with an average price of $4,861.

Interestingly, there appears to be little correlation between a team’s on-field success and its secondary market ticket prices. The Patriots are obviously a very successful team, but they are also located in one of the most affluent markets in the country. Conversely, teams like the Browns and Jets have struggled for years but still command a relatively high price on the secondary market.

The Most Expensive Teams

If you are thinking about purchasing an NFL team, you need to know which ones are the most expensive. The most expensive teams are the Dallas Cowboys, the New England Patriots, and the New York Giants. These three teams have a lot of history and tradition behind them.

New England Patriots

New England Patriots- $3.4 billion
Washington Redskins- $3.1 billion
Dallas Cowboys- $2.85 billion
New York Giants- $2.8 billion
Los Angeles Rams- $2.9 billion

New York Giants

The New York Giants are the most expensive team in the NFL, with an average ticket price of $122.27. The Giants also have the highest-priced Super Bowl tickets, with an average price of $5,531.

The San Francisco 49ers are the second most expensive team in the NFL, with an average ticket price of $102.14. The 49ers also have the second highest-priced Super Bowl tickets, with an average price of $4,821.

The New England Patriots are the third most expensive team in the NFL, with an average ticket price of $93.71. The Patriots also have the third highest-priced Super Bowl tickets, with an average price of $4,541.

San Francisco 49ers

In February 2014, the San Francisco 49ers were valued at $1.2 billion, ranking them as the seventh most valuable franchise in the NFL. In terms of revenue, the team brought in $333 million in 2013, resulting in an operating income of $73.8 million. The following year, their value increased to $1.6 billion and their revenue rose to $447 million with an operating income of $106 million. As of 2018, the 49ers are now worth an estimated $3 billion.

Why Prices Vary

The cheapest NFL team is the Cincinnati Bengals, who can be bought for $1.8 billion.


There are a few reasons why NFL ticket prices can vary so widely. One of the biggest factors is location. Teams that are located in large cities with high population densities tend to have higher ticket prices than teams located in smaller cities or rural areas. This is because there are simply more people competing for tickets in larger cities, which drives up prices. Another factor that can affect ticket prices is the team’s recent performance. Teams that have been performing well tend to have higher ticket prices than teams that have been struggling, as fans are willing to pay more to see a winning team. Finally, some teams simply have more expensive stadiums than others, which can also affect ticket prices.

Team Performance

National Football League (NFL) teams are not all created equal. In any given year, some teams are better than others. The better the team, the more fans it will have, and the more money it will make. That’s why prices for tickets to see an NFL game can vary so much from team to team.

The cheapest NFL team to buy tickets for is the Cleveland Browns, who averaged just $53 per ticket in 2017. The most expensive team is the New England Patriots, who averaged $122 per ticket. That’s a difference of $69 between the two teams!

Of course, prices can also vary depending on factors like where you buy your tickets and how popular the game you’re seeing is. But if you’re looking to save some money on your next NFL outing, buying tickets to see the Browns is a good place to start.

Stadium Size

A big reason why ticket prices vary so much from team to team has to do with the size of the stadiums. The larger the stadium, the more tickets that need to be sold in order to make a profit. As a result, teams with large stadiums often have to charge more for their tickets.

Another factor that can affect ticket prices is the location of the stadium. If a team is located in a large city, they may be able to charge more for their tickets because there is a higher demand for them. Conversely, teams located in smaller cities may have to charge less for their tickets because there is not as much demand for them.

Finally, the teams themselves can also affect ticket prices. If a team is consistently good, they may be able to charge more for their tickets because fans are willing to pay more to see them play. Conversely, if a team is not doing well, they may have to charge less for their tickets in order to entice fans to come see them play.

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