The Fastest Baseball Pitches Ever Thrown

What are the fastest baseball pitches ever thrown? And who threw them? Here’s a look at the top 10 fastest pitches in MLB history.

The Fastest Baseball Pitches Ever Thrown

Aroldis Chapman’s 105.1 MPH Fastball

In 2010, Cincinnati Reds relief pitcher Aroldis Chapman threw the fastest recorded fastball in MLB history. The pitch was clocked at 105.1 miles per hour, and was thrown during a spring training game against the Colorado Rockies.

Chapman’s record-breaking fastball is just one example of the extreme speeds that can be achieved by professional pitchers. In general, the average fastball is thrown between 90 and 95 miles per hour, with some pitchers topping out at around 100 miles per hour.

The speed of a fastball is determined by a number of factors, including the pitcher’s arm strength, mechanics, and stamina. The type of pitch also plays a role in its speed, with fastballs generally being thrown harder than other types of pitches (such as breaking balls or off-speed pitches).

Joel Zumaya’s 104.8 MPH Fastball

On September 7, 2006, in a game against the Minnesota Twins, Detroit Tigers relief pitcher Joel Zumaya delivered a fastball to Twins catcher Joe Mauer that was clocked at 104.8 miles per hour—the fastest pitch ever recorded by Major League Baseball’s PITCHf/x system.

Jordan Walden’s 102.9 MPH Fastball

On August 16, 2010, Atlanta Braves relief pitcher Jordan Walden threw the fastest recorded fastball in baseball history, at 102.9 miles per hour.

Walden’s fastball was clocked using MLB’s Statcast system, which uses high-speed cameras and radar to measure the velocity of pitches. Statcast was installed in all 30 MLB stadiums prior to the 2015 season.

Prior to Walden’s record-setting pitch, the fastest recorded fastball was 101.1 miles per hour, thrown by Cleveland Indians reliever Joel Skinner in 1974.

Walden’s fastball is not only the fastest ever recorded by Statcast, it’s also the fastest pitch thrown by a left-handed pitcher in MLB history.

The102.9 mph fastball is just one of many fastballs thrown by Walden throughout his career. In 2010, he also threw a 101.6 mph fastball, which ranks as the second-fastest pitch ever thrown by a left-handed pitcher.

Mark Prior’s 102.7 MPH Fastball

In May of 2002, then-Cubs rookie Mark Prior delivered a fastball to the Milwaukee Brewers’ Richie Sexson. The pitch was clocked at 102.7 miles per hour, making it the fastest fastball ever thrown by a major league pitcher.

Prior was already touted as one of the best young pitchers in baseball, and the 102.7 MPH fastball only added to his legend. Unfortunately, injuries would go on to derail Prior’s promising career. He would only appear in parts of nine seasons, compiling a win-loss record of 53-47.

Nolan Ryan’s 100.9 MPH Fastball

On August 20, 1974, Nolan Ryan of the California Angels threw a fastball that was clocked at 100.9 miles per hour. This is the fastest pitch ever thrown in a major league baseball game.

Ryan was known for his exceptional speed, and he used it to his advantage on this particular day. He struck out 19 batters in total, setting a new record for the most strikeouts in a single game.

While 100.9 miles per hour is fast, it’s not the only pitch that’s been clocked at this speed. Aroldis Chapman, a relief pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds, has thrown several pitches that have been recorded at over 100 miles per hour. In fact, Chapman’s fastest pitch ever recorded was 105.1 miles per hour.

Whether you’re a fan of baseball or not, there’s no denying that these are some incredibly fast pitches!

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