What Is The Fastest Thrown Baseball?

Learn about the fastest thrown baseball in this blog post. We’ll discuss what the record is and who holds it.


In 2014, Aroldis Chapman, then of the Cincinnati Reds, threw the fastest recorded pitch in Major League Baseball history at 105.1 mph. He has since thrown pitches at speeds of up to 104.8 mph.

While Chapman’s 105.1 mph fastball is certainly impressive, it’s not the fastest pitch ever thrown by a baseball player. That honor belongs to Joel Zumaya, a right-handed pitcher who reached a top speed of 106.7 mph while playing for the Detroit Tigers in 2010.

There have been other pitchers who have come close to Chapman’s and Zumaya’s speeds, but those two remain the only ones to have topped 105 mph on the radar gun.

The Fastest Thrown Baseball

The title of this article is pretty self-explanatory. We will be discussing the fastest thrown baseball. This is a record that has been held by several different players over the years, but the current record holder is Aroldis Chapman. Chapman threw a baseball 105.1 miles per hour in 2010.

The Guinness World Record

The Guinness World Record for the fastest pitch by a baseball player is 105.1 miles per hour (169.1 km/h) and was set by Aroldis Chapman, then of the Cincinnati Reds, on September 24, 2010, in a game against the San Diego Padres. The pitch was clocked using a PITCHf/x system from Sportvision at Petco Park in San Diego.

The Fastest Pitcher in the MLB

The title of fastest pitcher in the MLB goes to Aroldis Chapman. In 2010, Chapman set the record for the fastest pitch ever thrown in an MLB game. His record-breaking pitch was clocked at 105 mph.

How Fast Can a Baseball Be Thrown?

The fastest thrown baseball has been recorded at 105.1 miles per hour (169.1 kilometers per hour). The throw was made by Aroldis Chapman, a relief pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds, on September 24, 2010. Chapman’s fastball was clocked using a Pitch f/x system, which tracks the speed and trajectory of pitches.

The Physics of Pitching

In baseball, the pitcher is the player who throws the ball to the catcher to start each play. As you know if you have ever thrown a ball, it is not easy to throw one very fast. A major league pitcher can throw a baseball up to 100 miles per hour (160 kilometers per hour). In this article, we will learn about how pitchers throw fastballs, what makes a fastball “fast,” and how physics plays a role in pitching.

When a pitcher throws a fastball, he tries to put as much speed on the ball as possible. The faster the ball moves through the air, the harder it is for the batter to hit it. But speed is not everything—a fastball also needs to move in a way that makes it hard for the batter to hit. A good fastball has two things: spin and movement.

The spin on a fastball makes it twist as it moves through the air. This makes it hard for the batter to hit because he does not know where the ball is going to go. The movement on a fastball makes it dip or dive as it moves towards the plate. This makes it hard for the batter to hit because he cannot be sure where the ball will be when it crosses the plate.

A pitcher can make a fastball move by throwing it with spin or by using his fingers to grip the ball in a way that makes it move. Physics plays an important role in both of these methods. Spin creates what is called lift—an upward force that acts on an object moving through air (or any fluid). Lift is what keeps an airplane in the air—it equalizes the downward force of gravity with an upward force created by moving through air. Similarly, lift created by spin keeps a fastball moving upwards even as gravity pulls it down.

The Mechanics of Pitching

To understand how fast a baseball can be thrown, we need to understand the mechanics of pitching. When a pitcher throws a ball, he puts spin on it with his fingers. This spin makes the ball travel faster through the air. The faster the ball spins, the faster it will travel.

A baseball can be thrown as fast as 105 miles per hour. This is only possible if the pitcher has very good control over his finger placement on the ball. If the ball is not placed correctly on the fingers, it will not spin fast enough to achieve this speed.


In conclusion, the fastest thrown baseball is most likely to be between 105 and 110 mph. However, there are several factors that can affect the speed of a pitch, so it is difficult to say for sure. If you are interested in finding out the speed of your own pitches, there are several ways to measure it. You can use a radar gun, or you can have someone time your pitches with a stopwatch.

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