What Is the Highest Scoring NFL Game Ever?

The highest scoring NFL game ever was the New York Jets vs. the Baltimore Colts in 1968, which the Jets won by a score of 44-27.


In American football, the record for the most points scored by a single team in a game is 73, set by the Cleveland Browns in a win against the Miami Dolphins in 1974. This record has been matched once, by the Los Angeles Rams in 2018.

In NFL history, there have been nine games in which a team has scored at least 60 points. The first instance of this occurred in 1966, when the San Francisco 49ers defeated the New York Giants by a score of 62–3. As of 2019, there have been three games in which a team has scored 70 or more points: the Cleveland Browns’ win against the Miami Dolphins in 1974 (which ended with a score of 72–41), the Los Angeles Rams’ win against the Seattle Seahawks in 2018 (which ended with a score of 71-40), and most recently, the Baltimore Ravens’ win against the Miami Dolphins in 2019 (which ended with a score of 59-10).

The highest scoring game in NFL history

In the highest scoring game in NFL history, the New York Jets defeated the Baltimore Colts 110-0 on December 16, 1973. The game was so one-sided that Jets backup quarterback Al Woodall threw two touchdown passes in the fourth quarter.

The teams involved in the game

In the history of the NFL, there have been several games where both teams have scored 50 points or more. In fact, there have been 14 games where both teams have scored 40 points or more. The highest scoring game in NFL history is the New York Giants vs. the Washington Redskins, which ended in a score of 72-41.

The players who scored the most points

The game of football has seen some great players come and go over the years, but there are only a handful of players who have consistently been at the top of their game. Some of these players have scored so many points that they hold the record for the most points scored in a single game. Here are the top five scoring games in NFL history:

-In 1998, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Steve Young threw six touchdown passes against the Chicago Bears, setting the record for most touchdown passes in a game.
-In 2013, Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning threw seven touchdown passes against the Baltimore Ravens, tying Young’s record.
-In 2014, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady threw five touchdown passes against the Indianapolis Colts, setting the record for most touchdown passes in a single season.
-In 2015, Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton threw five touchdown passes against the Philadelphia Eagles, tying Brady’s record.
-In 2016, Atlanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan threw five touchdown passes against the Green Bay Packers, tied for the most in a game.

The significance of the game

American football is one of the most popular sports in the United States, and the National Football League (NFL) is the highest level of professional football in the country.

The NFL was founded in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association (APFA), and the first NFL game was played on October 3, 1920, between the Dayton Triangles and the Columbus Panhandles.

Since then, there have been many great NFL games played. But which one is the highest scoring game in NFL history?

That would be the game between the New York Giants and the Washington Redskins on November 27, 1966, which ended in a score of 72-41 in favor of the Giants.

It was a cold day at Yankee Stadium, with a kickoff temperature of 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius). The Giants jumped out to an early lead, scoring four touchdowns in the first quarter. The Redskins responded with three touchdowns of their own in the second quarter, but it was not enough to catch up to the Giants.

The Giants went on to win the game by a final score of 72-41, setting an NFL record for most points scored by one team in a single game. The combined score of 113 points was also an NFL record at that time.

The significance of this game goes beyond just the final score. It was also a key moment in NFL history as it showed that offense could be just as important as defense in winning games. Prior to this game, most teams focused on defense and relied on their offenses to simply not make mistakes. But after seeing what happened in this game, teams began to change their approach and focus more on offensive production.

This game also had implications for how future NFL games would be played. As offenses became more prevalent and important in winning games, rules were changed to allow for more offensive production. For example, prior to this game, if a team scored a touchdown they would automatically get seven points without having to try for an extra point kicked throught he goalposts. But after this game, teams were given the option of trying for an extra point kick after they scored a touchdown (worth one point), or going for two points by running or passing into the endzone from two yards out (worth two points).
The change from seven points automatic to six points plus potential for one or two more did have an impact on how teams played games and which strategy they chose when trying to score touchdowns, but it did not have as big of an impact as you might think. In fact, since these changes were made there has only been one instance where going for two points after scoring a touchdown has resulted in a higher final score than if they had just kicked an extra point (which also happens to be another record). That came on November 4th , 2001 when Oakland played Philadelphia. Oakland won that game by final score 49-48…but had they chosen to kick extra point after each touchdown instead of going for two , they still would have won…by exactly one point! 49-48

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