What Is The Interception Record In The NFL?

The interception record in the NFL is the highest number of interceptions thrown in a single season by a quarterback. The record is currently held by Peyton Manning, who threw for 20 interceptions in the 2014 season.

What Is The Interception Record In The NFL?

What is the NFL interception record?

The record for the most interceptions in an NFL career is held by Paul Krause, who played 16 seasons with the Washington Redskins and the Minnesota Vikings. He had 81 interceptions between 1964 and 1979. As of 2019, the active leader in interceptions is Reggie Nelson, who has 31 interceptions over his 12-year career.

Who holds the record?

Pete McNeely of the San Francisco 49ers holds the record for the most interceptions in an NFL career. He intercepted a total of 50 passes in his 12-year career.

Why is this record so difficult to break?

There are a number of reasons why the interception record is so difficult to break. For one, quarterbacks are throwing the ball less often than they used to. In 2008, the average NFL team threw the ball 543 times. In 2018, that number had declined to 504. That’s a decrease of nearly 4%.

Furthermore, quarterbacks are completing a higher percentage of their passes than ever before. In 2008, the league-wide completion percentage was 60.2%. In 2018, it was up to 64.9%. That’s an increase of nearly 8%.

Finally, there are more teams in the NFL now than there were in 2008 (32 vs. 30). That means there are more quarterbacks attempting passes and more opportunities for interceptions.

All of these factors make it much harder for a single player to intercept a high number of passes in a season. In fact, over the last 10 years (2008-17), only four players have intercepted more than eight passes in a season: DeAngelo Hall (9 in 2010), Richard Sherman (8 in 2013), Aqib Talib (8 in 2016), and Xavier Rhodes (8 in 2017).

What are the benefits of intercepting a pass?

Intercepting a pass in football can be a game-changing play. It can turn the momentum of the game and give your team the advantage. But what are the benefits of intercepting a pass?

For one, it can obviously stop the other team from scoring. If the other team is driving down the field and is about to score, an interception can prevent them from putting points on the board. This can be crucial in a close game.

Another benefit of intercepting a pass is that it gives your team great field position. If you intercept a pass deep in enemy territory, your team will have a great chance to score. Conversely, if you intercept a pass deep in your own territory, you can often prevent the other team from scoring.

Finally, intercepting a pass is simply a great feeling. It’s one of the best plays in football, and it’s always exciting to see someone make a great interception.

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