The Last Pick of the NFL Draft: What Is It Called?

The NFL Draft is an annual event where teams select players to join their ranks. The last pick of the draft is often referred to as the “Mr. Irrelevant” or “Mr. Irrelevant of the NFL Draft.” So what exactly is this title?

The Last Pick of the NFL Draft: What Is It Called?

The “Mr. Irrelevant” title

The title “Mr. Irrelevant” is given to the very last pick of the NFL draft. The player who is drafted last is typically given this title as a joke, as he is seen as the least relevant or important player in the NFL.

The term “Mr. Irrelevant” was first used in 1976 by Paul Salata, who created Irrelevant Week, a celebration for the last pick of the NFL draft. Salata came up with the idea for this celebration after he was drafted in the 251st spot by the San Francisco 49ers in 1949.

Since then, every year, Irrelevant Week has been held in Newport Beach, California to honor the last pick of the NFL draft. During this week, there are various events and activities planned for the “Mr. Irrelevant” player, such as a parade and a roast.

Although being drafted last may seem like a negative thing, it can actually be quite an honor. Being given the “Mr. Irrelevant” title means that you were good enough to be drafted into the NFL, which is an amazing accomplishment in itself. So, even though it may not seem like it at first, being called “Mr. Irrelevant” can actually be quite a positive thing!

The history of the “Mr. Irrelevant” title

The “Mr. Irrelevant” title was first given to the last pick of the NFL draft in 1976 by NFL Films producer Dick Berg. The name has since been unofficial adopted by the media and fans alike.

The title is a reference to the fact that the player is often seen as being unimportant or worthless. However, many players who have been drafted in this position have gone on to have successful careers in the NFL. In fact, some of the most famous and well-respected players in NFL history were drafted last, including Pro Football Hall of Famers Warren Moon and John Elway.

The benefits of being the “Mr. Irrelevant”

The “Mr. Irrelevant” of the NFL draft is the player who is selected last. While it might seem like an honor to be the very last pick of the draft, it actually comes with a few benefits.

For one, the player selected as Mr. Irrelevant gets to go to the “Irrelevant Week” festival, which was started in 1976 by former NFL player Paul Salata. The event includes a golf tournament, a roast, and various other activities meant to honor the NFL’s newest player.

In addition, Mr. Irrelevant also receives a number of gifts, including:
-A trophy in the shape of a large football
-A 10-pound sack of oranges (representing Florida, where Irrelevant Week takes place)
-An insured life-time contract with the organization that drafted him
-A free dinner for two at any Orange County restaurant
-An all-expenses paid trip to Disneyland

The drawbacks of being the “Mr. Irrelevant”

The last pick of the NFL Draft is often referred to as Mr. Irrelevant. This title comes with a few drawbacks. For starters, the player who is drafted last is often given fewer opportunities to prove themselves and make an impact on their team. Additionally, the player drafted last may have a harder time earning respect from teammates and coaches. Finally, the player drafted last may feel pressure to perform well in order to avoid being seen as a “joke.”

The “Mr. Irrelevant” of the 2020 NFL Draft

Every year, NFL fans wait with anticipation to see which college players their team will select in the NFL Draft. But there’s always one player who gets left until last. So what is the last pick of the NFL Draft called?

The answer may surprise you. The player selected last in the NFL Draft is actually given the title of “Mr. Irrelevant.” The term was first coined by former NFL player Paul Salata, who created Irrelevant Week – a themed celebration for the last pick that takes place in Newport Beach, California.

The event includes a parade, roast and various other activities (all of which are open to the public).

While it may seem like a cruel nickname at first glance, it’s actually meant to be a tribute to the player’s perseverance and dedication to his craft. After all, only 256 players (out of tens of thousands) are selected in the NFL Draft each year – so being chosen last is still an accomplishment.

The title of “Mr. Irrelevant” also comes with a few perks. In addition to attending Irrelevant Week, the player receives a trophy called “The Lowsman” – which is a spoof on the Heisman Trophy (given to college football’s best player). He also gets free tickets to Disneyland and a lifetime supply of jockey shorts from briefs company Jockey International.

So there you have it – the answer to what is the last pick of the NFL Draft called!

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