What Is The Longest Losing Streak In The NFL?

The longest losing streak in NFL history is held by the 1976-77 Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who lost 26 consecutive games.

What Is The Longest Losing Streak In The NFL?

The NFL’s Longest Losing Streaks

The Detroit Lions currently hold the record for the longest losing streak in NFL history, having lost 26 games in a row from 2007 to 2009. The Lions were not the only team to have a long losing streak during that time period, however. The Cleveland Browns also had a long losing streak, losing 22 games in a row from 2016 to 2018.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ 26-game losing streak

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ 26-game losing streak from December 1976 to December 1977 is the longest in NFL history. Their most recent loss came on Thanksgiving Day in a 27-0 shutout by the Dallas Cowboys. In their next game, they finally snapped the streak with a 33-14 victory over the expansion Seattle Seahawks. The Buccaneers’ previous win had come against the Atlanta Falcons on November 20, 1977.

The Detroit Lions’ 24-game losing streak

The Detroit Lions’ 24-game losing streak from 2007 to 2009 is the longest losing streak in NFL history. The Lions went 0-16 in 2008, becoming the first team to finish a season with a perfect 0-16 record.

The previous record for the longest losing streak was held by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who lost 26 games in a row from 1976 to 1977. The Buccaneers’ mark was tied by the Cleveland Browns, who also lost 26 games in a row from 2010 to 2011.

The Lions’ streak came to an end with a 19-14 win over the Washington Redskins on October 25, 2009. It was the first time the Lions had won a game since December 23, 2007, when they defeated the Kansas City Chiefs 38-31.

The Cleveland Browns’ 21-game losing streak

The Cleveland Browns’ 21-game losing streak from 2016 to 2017 is the longest losing streak in the history of the National Football League (NFL). The streak began with a 28-24 loss to the Miami Dolphins on December 11, 2016, and ended with a 20-17 win over the New York Jets on September 20, 2017.

During the streak, the Browns went 0-16 in the 2017 season, becoming just the second team in NFL history to do so (joining the 2008 Detroit Lions). The Browns also became the first team in NFL history to lose all 16 of their games in a single season while scoring more than 20 points in each game.

The 21-game losing streak is also notable for being the second longest by any major professional sports team in North America, behind only the 26-game losing streak by Major League Baseball’s Pittsburgh Pirates from August 20, 2010 to July 7, 2011.

The Causes of Long Losing Streaks

NFL teams can go on long losing streaks for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s because they’re simply not good enough. Other times, bad luck can play a role. Injuries, bad coaching, and player illnesses can also lead to a string of losses. Let’s take a look at some of the causes of long losing streaks in the NFL.


Injuries are the most common cause of long losing streaks. When key players are lost to injury, it can have a ripple effect throughout the entire team. Other players have to step up and fill the void, which can often lead to more mistakes and poor play. In addition, injuries can also sap the morale of a team, making it harder for them to bounce back from a loss.

Poor coaching

In the NFL, coaching is vital to a team’s success. A head coach is responsible for the overall strategy of the team, while position coaches teach players the specific skills they need to excel at their positions.

Poor coaching can lead to long losing streaks in a number of ways. For example, a head coach might make poor strategic decisions that put his team at a disadvantage. Similarly, position coaches might fail to properly teach their players the skills they need to succeed. In either case, poor coaching can result in a string of losses that is difficult to break.

Lack of talent

The main reason why teams go on long losing streaks is simply because they lack the talent to compete with the better teams in the league. This was the case for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers during their 26-game losing streak from 1976 to 1977. The Buccaneers were an expansion team that simply didn’t have the same level of talent as the established teams in the NFL.

Injuries can also play a major role in long losing streaks. If a team loses its starting quarterback, for example, it’s going to be very difficult for that team to win games. This was the case for the Indianapolis Colts during their 24-game losing streak from 1997 to 1998. The Colts lost their starting quarterback, Troy Aikman, early in the 1997 season and were never able to recover.

##Heading:Poor coaching
Another common reason for long losing streaks is poor coaching. If a team’s coach is not able to make adjustments or properly motivate his players, it’s going to be very difficult for that team to win games. This was the case for the Detroit Lions during their 24-game losing streak from 2008 to 2009. The Lions fired their head coach, Rod Marinelli, after the 2008 season and hired a new head coach, Jim Schwartz, who was able to turn things around and lead the Lions to a 10-6 record in 2009.

The Effects of Long Losing Streaks

A losing streak can have a significant impact on a team’s morale and performance. Losing can cause players to doubt their abilities and question their commitment to the team. It can also lead to changes in coaching staff and personnel. A losing streak can have a ripple effect on an entire organization.

Low morale

A long losing streak can have a number of consequences for a team, all of which can lead to a further decline in performance. One of the most obvious is the impact on morale. It’s human nature to feel down when things aren’t going well, and that’s especially true when it comes to something as important as sports. For many athletes, their self-worth is tied up in their performance on the field, so it’s not surprising that they would feel deflated after a long stretch of losses.

This low morale can manifests itself in a number of ways. Players may become more withdrawn and stop interacting with teammates as much. This can lead to tension and conflict within the locker room, which only makes things worse. In extreme cases, players may even give up on the season altogether and stop trying.

Another common consequence of a long losing streak is an increase in injuries. This is partly due to the fact that players are more likely to get hurt when they’re not playing well—their focus isn’t on the game, and they’re more likely to make mistakes that can lead to injury. But it also has to do with the fact that players who are feeling down are less likely to take care of their bodies and more likely to succumb to nagging injuries.

Finally, a long losing streak can have an impact on a team’s finances. Poor performance usually leads to lower attendance at games, which can mean less revenue for the team. This can put even more pressure on the players and coaching staff, as they know that they need to start winning again—fast—if they want to keep the money flowing in.

Loss of fan support

When a team is on a long losing streak, they can often lose the support of their fans. This can be for a number of reasons, but usually it’s because fans are frustrated with the team’s performance and don’t feel like they’re being given any hope for the future. This can lead to declining attendance at games and dwindling television ratings. In extreme cases, a team may even lose their city’s support entirely and be forced to move to another location.

Financial problems

Long losing streaks can have a number of negative effects, both on an individual and on a team. Individuals may start to doubt their abilities, feeling that they are the reason for the losing streak. This can lead to frustration and even quitting. On a team, morale may suffer, leading to infighting and poor performance. Long losing streaks can also have financial effects, as fans may stop attending games or buying merchandise.

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