What Is The Most Yards Rushed In A NFL Game?

The most yards rushed in a NFL game is 2,105 by Adrian Peterson in 2012.


In American football, the record for the most rushed yards in a game is held by Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton, who racked up 275 yards against the Minnesota Vikings on November 20, 1977. This record has stood for over 40 years and is unlikely to be broken anytime soon.

The Record

The record for the most yards rushed in a NFL game is held by Adrian Peterson, who ran for 296 yards in a game against the San Diego Chargers in 2007.

The Player

There are a number of players that have rushed for the most yards in a NFL game. The record is held by Adrian Peterson, who ran for 296 yards in a game against the San Diego Chargers in 2007. Other players who have come close to this record include Jamaal Charles, who ran for 285 yards in 2010, and Chris Johnson, who ran for 278 yards in 2009.

The Game

The game of football has seen some incredible performances over the years. One of the most impressive displays of athleticism and strength came in 1998, when then- Denver Broncos running back Terrell Davis rushed for an astonishing 243 yards against the New York Jets.

To this day, Davis’ 243-yard performance remains the record for the most yards rushed in a single NFL game. His single-game performance is all the more impressive when considering that, in today’s pass-happy NFL, running backs typically don’t see as many carries as they did in Davis’ day.


From all of the data that has been collected, it seems that the most yards ever rushed in a NFL game is 275 by Adrian Peterson in 2007. This was an incredible feat and showcased just how talented of a player Adrian Peterson is. Although there have been many great performances by running backs in NFL history, it seems that Adrian Peterson’s game in 2007 is the one that will stand out above the rest.

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