What Is The New Tie Break Rule In Tennis?

The new tie break rule in tennis is simple: the player who wins the most points in a row wins the game. This can be a sudden death situation, or it can happen when the score reaches 6-6 in games. If the score is tied at 6-6, then the players will play a 7-point tie break to determine the winner.

What Is The New Tie Break Rule In Tennis?


In tennis, a tie break (sometimes called a set break) is when the score reaches 6 games all in any given set. At this point, a tie break game is played. The winner of the tie break game wins the set 7-6.

The old tie break rules stated that the first player to win 7 points by a margin of 2 points would win the tie break game. However, this often resulted in very long games, sometimes lasting over 20 minutes!

To address this issue, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) has introduced a new tie break rule which will come into effect from 2019 onwards. Under the new rule, the first player to win 10 points by a margin of 2 points will win the tie break game. This should result in shortertie break games and less time between points being played.

The old tie break rule

The old tie break rule in tennis was simple. The first player to win seven points wins the tie break. This can often lead to very long tiebreaks, sometimes lasting 20 minutes or more! The new tie break rule is a little bit different. Now, the first player to win 10 points wins the tie break, but if the score reaches 8-8, then the players must keep playing until one player has a two point lead. This should help to speed up match play and make it more exciting for spectators!

The new tie break rule

The new tie break rule in tennis is when the score reaches 6-6 in any set, there will be a dramatic change to the way the game is played. Instead of continuing to play until one player wins by two clear games, a special ‘tie break’ will be played. This is when the first player to win seven points wins the set – regardless of what the score is at that point. The player who wins the tie break will win the set by a margin of at least two points.

How the new tie break rule will affect the game

In tennis, a tie break is when the score reaches six games all in any set. At this point, a player must win by two clear games to win the set; otherwise, the score reverts back to 6-6 and another tie break is played. However, at Wimbledon 2019, there will be a slight change to this rule. In the case of a deciding set (the third set in women’s singles and the fifth set in men’s singles), if the score reaches 12-12, instead of playing another tie break, players will have to win by two clear games. This new rule is sure to have an impact on how matches are played and could potentially lead to some very long matches!


The new tie break rule in tennis is that when the score reaches 6 games all, a player must win by 2 clear games. This means that if the score reaches 6-6, the next player to win a game will be leading 7-6. If they then lose the next game, the score will be 7-7 and a further game will need to be played until one player leads by 2 clear games.

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