What Is The NFL Cap Limit?

The NFL’s salary cap is the limit to the total amount of money that NFL teams can spend on player salaries for a given League Year.


In the National Football League, the salary cap is the limit to the total amount of money that a team can spend on player salaries for a given year. The cap is set by the NFL’s Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and is based on a percentage of total league revenues. For the 2020 season, the salary cap is $198.2 million per team.

The salary cap was first implemented in 1994 as a way to ensure that all teams had a roughly equal opportunity to compete for top players. It also helped to control rising player salaries, which were becoming unsustainable. In recent years, the salary cap has increased significantly, thanks in part to booming league revenues.

While the salary cap provides some parity among teams, it also can create some disparities. For example, teams that are able to generate more revenue (through ticket sales, television contracts, merchandise sales, etc.) can have a greater margin for error when it comes to spending on player salaries. As such, they may be able to outbid other teams for top talent in free agency or provide more competitive contract offers to retain their own players.

The NFL’s salary cap is one of the most complex and stringent in all of professional sports. It includes provisions for things like “dead money” (salary that counts against the cap even if a player is no longer with the team) and “roster bonuses” (bonuses that are paid out if a player is on the team’s active roster at a certain point during the season).

If you’re interested in learning more about how the NFL’s salary cap works, we encourage you to explore some of our other articles on this topic.

What is the NFL Cap Limit?

In the National Football League, the team salary cap is the total amount of money that a team is allowed to spend on player salaries for the entire league year. The league year runs from March 1 through February 28 (or 29) of the following year. At the end of each league year, any unused cap space “rolls over” to the next league year.

How the NFL Cap Limit Works

In the NFL, each team is given a salary cap that they cannot exceed. This number is determined by a formula that takes into account things like league revenue, team revenue, and player benefits. The cap limit for the 2019 season is $188.2 million.

There are a few ways that teams can get around the salary cap. One is by using what are called “cap credits.” These are amounts of money that a team can carry over from one season to the next. Another way teams can get around the salary cap is by signing players to “back-loaded” contracts. This means that a player’s salary is lower in the early years of the contract and higher in the later years. This allows teams to fit more expensive players under the salary cap in any given year.

The salary cap affects every team in the NFL in different ways. Some teams are very close to the cap limit and have very little room to sign new players or give existing players raises. Other teams have a lot of room under the salary cap and can be more aggressive in free agency or signing new players to contract extensions.

The Benefits of the NFL Cap Limit

The NFL cap limit is the maximum amount of money that a team can spend on player salaries in a given year. The benefits of the limit are twofold: it helps to keep player salaries reasonable, and it ensures that all teams have an equal chance to compete for the best players.

In recent years, the NFL cap limit has been set at around $120 million per team. This may seem like a lot of money, but it’s actually quite reasonable when you consider that the top players in the league can command salaries of $20 million or more per year.

The NFL cap limit helps to keep player salaries reasonable by setting an upper limit on how much teams can spend. This ensures that players are paid based on their performance, rather than their market value. It also prevents teams from spending exorbitant amounts of money on unproven players.

The NFL cap limit also helps to level the playing field between different teams. By ensuring that all teams have to stick to the same spending limit, it prevents richer teams from outspending their rivals and buying up all the best players. This makes for a more competitive and fair league overall.

The Drawbacks of the NFL Cap Limit

The National Football League (NFL) has a salary cap that is the total amount of money that each team can spend on player salaries for the year. The salary cap was introduced in 1994 and has been increased each year since then. In 2019, the salary cap is $188.2 million per team.

The salary cap does have some drawbacks. First, it can limit a team’s ability to sign top players to long-term contracts. This can lead to a lot of player movement from year to year, as teams try to sign players they think can help them win now while staying under the salary cap. This can make it difficult for fans to keep track of their favorite players, as they may be playing for a different team each season.

Another drawback of the salary cap is that it can create a competitive imbalance between teams. Teams that are able to spend more money on player salaries will have an advantage over teams that are limited by the salary cap. This can make it difficult for smaller market teams or teams with less revenue to compete with larger market teams or teams with more revenue.


The NFL cap limit is the total amount of money that a team can spend on player salaries in a given season. The cap limit is set by the NFL each year and is based on a percentage of the league’s overall revenue. In 2018, the cap limit was $177 million.

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