What Is The NFL Concussion Protocol?

The concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that are followed by the NFL to ensure the safety of its players.

What Is The NFL Concussion Protocol?


In recent years, the issue of concussions and other head injuries in football has come to the forefront. In response, the NFL has implemented a concussion protocol to help protect players from further injury.

The concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that must be followed in the event that a player is suspected of having a concussion. These guidelines are designed to ensure that the player is properly evaluated and treated before returning to play.

The first step in the concussion protocol is for the player to be removed from the game or practice. The player will then be evaluated by a medical professional, who will determine if they have suffered a concussion.

If a concussion is diagnosed, the player will be held out of play until they have been cleared by a medical professional. The length of time that a player must remain out of play will vary depending on the severity of their injury. In some cases, players may be able to return to play within a week. However, others may need to sit out for several weeks or even months.

The NFL concussion protocol has been criticized by some who feel that it does not do enough to protect players. However, it is important to remember that the reality is that concussions are very difficult injuries to diagnose and treat. The NFL concussion protocol is constantly evolving as more information about concussions becomes available.

What is the NFL Concussion Protocol?

In 2011, the National Football League (NFL) adopted new concussion guidelines that direct how teams should manage concussions during games. The protocols are based on the recommendations of the NFL’s concussion committee, which includes team physicians and other medical experts.

Under the protocols, any player who shows signs of a concussion or is suspected of having a concussion must be evaluated by a team doctor or an independent neurological consultant. If either of them believes the player has a concussion, the player must be removed from the game and cannot return to play until he is cleared by an independent neurologist.

Players are not allowed to return to play the same day they sustains a concussion. The protocol calls for players to go through a step-by-step process before they are cleared to return to play. The steps include:

1. Rest and recovery: This is the most important step in treating a concussion. Players need time for their brains to heal, and they should not do anything that could make their symptoms worse.

2. Light aerobic exercise: This can help increase blood flow to the injured area and speed up recovery.

3. Strength training: This can help reduce swelling and promote healing.

4. Non-contact drills: This helps players ease back into football activities without putting themselves at risk for further injury.

5. Full contact practice: Once players are cleared for full contact practice, they can participate in all football activities without restrictions.

Players who have had multiple concussions or who have suffered a serious concussion may need more time to recover and may need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by an independent neurologist before they are cleared to return to play

The Steps of the Protocol

The NFL concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that have been put in place to help protect players from the risks associated with concussions and other head injuries. The protocol consists of a series of tests that are conducted on the sidelines and in the locker room, as well as a strict return-to-play policy.

The first step in the protocol is for the team’s medical staff to conduct a thorough evaluation of the player. This includes asking the player questions about their symptoms and assessing their physical condition. If the medical staff believes that the player may have suffered a concussion, they will pull them from the game and conduct further testing.

The next step is for the player to be taken to the locker room for more comprehensive testing. This testing includes a neurological exam, as well as Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) testing and an assessment of their vision. If the medical staff still believes that the player may have suffered a concussion, they will be sent for further evaluation at a hospital.

Once it has been determined that the player has indeed suffered a concussion, they will be placed on the league’s concussion protocol. This protocol requires that the player be removed from play and not allowed to return to action until they have been cleared by both team doctors and an independent neurologist. The players must also pass a cognitive test called ImPACT before they are cleared to return to play.

Why the Protocol is Important

Concussions are a serious problem in the NFL. In recent years, the league has taken steps to try to reduce the number of concussions that occur during games. The concussion protocol is one of those steps.

The protocol is important because it helps to ensure that players who have suffered a concussion are not put back on the field before it is safe for them to do so. It also ensures that players who may have suffered a concussion are not sent back into the game without being properly evaluated by medical personnel.

The concussion protocol is not perfect, but it is a step in the right direction. It is important for players, coaches, and fans to be aware of the protocol and how it works.

How the Protocol Has Evolved

The NFL concussion protocol has been a source of great controversy in recent years. The league has been accused of downplaying the seriousness of concussions and ignoring the long-term risks associated with repeated head trauma.

The protocol has undergone several changes in recent years in an effort to improve the way concussions are handled. In 2016, the league made a number of changes to the way players are evaluated for concussions. These changes included adding more independent concussion experts to the sidelines and changing the way players are allowed to return to play after suffering a concussion.

The protocol was again revised in 2017 after a number of high-profile concussions during the season. These changes included stricter guidelines for when players can return to play and a new rule that requires players who suffer a concussion to be evaluated by an independent neurologist before they are cleared to return.

The NFL has also been working with helmet manufacturers to develop new technology that can help reduce the risk of concussions. In 2017, the league approved a new type of helmet that is designed to better protect against concussions. The NFL is also testing a new neck collar that is designed to reduce the risk of neck injuries, which can lead to concussions.

Criticism of the Protocol

There has been significant criticism of the concussion protocol by NFL players, doctors, and other concussion experts. One of the primary criticisms is that the protocol does not do enough to protect players from returning to the game too soon after suffering a concussion. Another criticism is that the protocol relies too heavily on self-reporting by players, which can lead to players downplaying or even hiding concussion symptoms in order to stay in the game.


In conclusion, the NFL concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that are designed to protect players from suffering further injury after a head injury. These guidelines are continually being updated as more is learned about concussions and their long-term effects. The protocol includes measures such as removing players from the game immediately after a head injury, conducting thorough medical evaluations, and clearance by an independent medical professional before allowing a player to return to the game.

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