What Is The NFL Concussion Protocol Test?

If you’re a fan of the NFL, you’re probably familiar with the concussion protocol test that players have to take before they’re cleared to return to the game. But what exactly is this test?


The NFL concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that are followed by team medical staff in order to help identify concussions and ensure players are properly treated. There are four steps to the protocol: sideline evaluation, locker room evaluation, neurological consult and return to play.

The sideline evaluation includes a check for conscious level, memory function and balance. If any of these are impaired, the player is immediately taken out of the game and cannot return. The locker room evaluation includes more in-depth testing of cognitive function, motor function, Balance and other neurological symptoms. If any of these tests are abnormal, the player cannot return to play.

The neurological consult is done by a neurosurgeon or other medical professional with experience in concussion management. This step is aimed at ruling out more serious problems such as brain bleeds. Finally, the return to play protocol includes a gradual increase in activity level over a period of several days to weeks until the player is cleared for full contact practice and games.

Players who suffer a concussion are at risk for long-term problems, so it is important that they are properly evaluated and treated according to the NFL concussion protocol.

What is the NFL Concussion Protocol Test?

The National Football League’s (NFL) concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that are used to evaluate and manage concussions that occur during NFL games. The protocol includes a sideline concussion assessment, which is conducted by team medical personnel, and a post-game evaluation by an independent neurological consultant. If a player is suspected of having a concussion, they are required to leave the game and are not allowed to return until they have been cleared by the neurological consultant.

The concussion protocol test consists of several components, including:

· A physical exam, which looks for signs and symptoms of a concussion

· A cognitive test, which assesses cognitive function

· An oculomotor exam, which tests eye movement

· A vestibular/balance test, which evaluates balance andcoordination

· A symptom checklist, which is used to track symptoms over time

How the NFL Concussion Protocol Test Works

The NFL concussion protocol test is an important tool used to help ensure the safety of players. This test is used to assess whether a player has suffered a concussion and to what extent. The test is comprised of several different components, all of which must be passed in order for a player to be cleared to return to play.

The first part of the test is a physical examination. This includes checking for any signs or symptoms of a concussion, such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, changes in vision or balance, sensitivity to light or noise, confusion, or problems with memory. If any of these are present, the player will not be cleared to return to play.

The next part of the test is an assessment of neurological function. This includes tests of the player’s cognitive abilities, such as memory and attention span. Players will also be asked to complete some simple physical tasks, such as walking in a straight line or touching their nose with their finger. If any problems are detected during this portion of the test, the player will not be cleared to return to play.

The final part of the NFL concussion protocol test is a neuropsychological assessment. This assesses the player’s emotional state and can help determine if they are at risk for suffering from depression or other mental health issues as a result of their concussion. Players who do not pass this portion of the test will not be cleared to return to play.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the NFL Concussion Protocol Test

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the NFL Concussion Protocol Test are as follows:

-The test is very thorough in assessing concussion symptoms.
-The test is easy to administer and does not require any special equipment.
-The test can be used to assess multiple concussions over time.

-The test may not be able to assess all types of concussions.
-The test may not be able to accurately assess the severity of a concussion.


In 2013, the NFL concussion protocol was developed by a neurosurgeon, an NFL team physician and an athletic trainer. The purpose of the concussion protocol is to ensure that players who have suffered a concussion are properly diagnosed and treated, and to help prevent further injury.

The concussion protocol test consists of four steps:

1. Baseline Testing: All players are given a pre-season cognitive assessment, which serves as their baseline score. This score is used for comparison if a player is suspected of suffering a concussion during the season.

2. Sideline Testing: If a player is suspected of suffering a concussion, they are given a sideline assessment. This assessment includes tests of their cognition, balance and symptoms. If the sideline assessor believes the player has suffered a concussion, they are removed from the game.

3. Locker Room Testing: Once the player has been removed from the game, they are given a more thorough cognitive assessment in the locker room. This assessment includes tests of their memory, attention span and executive function (i.e., their ability to think abstractly and plan ahead). If the locker room assessor believes the player has suffered a concussion, they are referred to a doctor for further evaluation.

4. Post-game Testing: After the game, all players who were suspect concussions during the game are given another cognitive assessment. This assessment is used to determine if the player has recovered from their concussion and can return to play in future games.

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