What Is the NFL League Minimum Salary?

The NFL league minimum salary is the lowest salary that a player in the National Football League can earn. The league minimum salary is set by the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement and is reviewed and updated every year.


The NFL league minimum salary is $610,000 for the 2020 season, an increase from the 2019 figure of $585,000. The minimum salary for rookie players is $510,000. Players on the practice squad can earn a minimum of $8,000 per week.

What is the NFL League Minimum Salary?

All NFL players must be paid the league minimum salary, which is set by the collective bargaining agreement between the NFL and its players. For the 2019 season, that salary is $495,000 for rookies and $870,000 for veterans. Players on injured reserve do not receive a salary, but they are eligible for injury protection benefits worth up to $1.32 million.

How Much Do NFL Players Make?

The NFL League Minimum Salary is $435,000 for the 2020 season, an increase from the $420,000 that was set for the 2019 season. The minimum salary for an NFL player with three accrued seasons is $910,000, and the minimum salary for a player with four or more accrued seasons is $1.015 million. Players on their rookie contracts make a minimum of $610,000.

How Much Do NFL Coaches Make?

The average NFL head coach salary is $6 million per year,while the average assistant coach makes $500,000 annually. Salaries can range depending on experience, location and success. The league minimum salary for an NFL player is $435,000, but the average player make much more. In fact, the median salary for an NFL player is $860,000.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make?

The NFL league minimum salary for the 2020 season is $610,000, an increase from the 2019 league minimum of $585,000. The league minimum salary applies to first-year players and veteran players who have signed one-year contracts. Players on their rookie contracts are subject to a different set of rules and they have a lower salary scale.


As of 2019, the NFL league minimum salary is $495,000 for rookies and $58,824 for veterans who have been in the league for two or more years. Players on the active roster of an NFL team are paid their salary based on a 17-week regular season schedule.

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