What Is The NFL Overtime Rule?

If you’re a football fan, you’re probably familiar with the basic rules of the game. But what happens when the game is tied at the end of regulation? That’s when the NFL overtime rule comes into play.

How The NFL Overtime Rule Works

In the NFL regular season, if a game is tied at the end of regulation, the team that scores first in overtime wins the game. This is commonly referred to as the “sudden death” overtime rule.

The sudden death overtime rule is in place to prevent both teams from playing defense for an extended period of time, which could lead to injuries.

In the playoffs, there is a different overtime rule in place. In the playoffs, if the game is tied at the end of regulation, each team gets a chance to possess the ball and score. The first team to score wins the game. This rule is in place to give each team an equal chance to win the game.

History of the NFL Overtime Rule

In the past, NFL games that ended in a tie were decided by a coin toss. The team that won the coin toss had the option of either kicking off or receiving the ball. If they chose to receive, the other team would kick off. Whichever team scored first won the game. This system proved to be unfair, as the team that won the coin toss often had an advantage.

In 1974, the NFL implemented a new rule to try and prevent ties. The rule stated that if both teams were tied at the end of regulation, each team would be given one possession to score. Whichever team scored first would win the game. If neither team scored, the game would end in a tie.

This rule was used for several years, but it still resulted in some unfairness. In particular, it put a lot of pressure on the defense. If the defense stopped the other team from scoring, their own team would likely win. But if they gave up even a small lead, their team would almost certainly lose.

In response to this criticism, the NFL made some changes to the overtime rules in 2010. Under the new rules, each team is guaranteed at least one possession in overtime, regardless of what happens on the first possession. If one team scores a touchdown on their first possession, then their opponent will get a chance to score as well. If both teams score touchdowns on their first possessions, then it becomes sudden death and whoever scores next will win the game.

Why The NFL Overtime Rule Was Changed

In 2017, the NFL overtime rules were changed in an effort to reduce the chance of a game ending in a tie. In the regular season, if the score is tied at the end of regulation, each team will get one possession to score. If the score is still tied after each team had one possession, then the game will end in a tie.

The NFL overtime rules are different for the playoffs. In the playoffs, if the score is tied at the end of regulation, each team will get one possession to score. If the score is still tied after each team had one possession, then the game will go into sudden death. In sudden death, the first team to score wins the game.

How The NFL Overtime Rule Has Impacted The Game

The overtime rules in the National Football League (NFL) are rules that regulate the extra period(s) of play that may be necessary if the score is tied at the end of regulation. These overtime rules have been criticized, especially by fans of teams that have lost games in sudden death situations. In 2017, for instance, the New England Patriots lost to the Miami Dolphins in overtime after the Dolphins won the coin toss and then scored a touchdown on their first drive.

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