What Is The Score Of The Giants Baseball Game?

Looking for the latest score of the Giants baseball game? Check out this blog post for all the latest information.

The Score

The final score of the game was 10-4, with the Giants winning.

The inning

In baseball, the visiting team bats in the top half of each inning and the home team bats in the bottom half. The inning is over when:
-The home team scores more runs in the bottom half than the visiting team scored in the top half (the home team wins)
-The visiting team scores more runs in the top half than the home team scored in the bottom half (the visiting team wins)
-The home team scores the same number of runs as the visiting team in their respective halves (the game is tied)

The game

The game is a nine-inning contest played between two teams, usually of equal strength. The home team bats first in each inning, and the visiting team bats second. The object of the game is to score more runs than the other team. A run is scored when a player hits the ball into play and all three players on his team safely reach base before any of the opposing team’s players can record three outs.

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