What Is the Usage Rate in the NBA?

The usage rate is a statistic in basketball that measures the percentage of team plays used by a player while he is on the court. In the NBA, the usage rate is typically between 20 and 30 percent.


The usage rate is a statistic in basketball that measures the percentage of team plays used by a player while he is on the floor. The usage rate quantifies the number of times a player uses possessions while on the floor. It is calculated as follows: 100 * ((FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOV) / (MP / (Tm’s Poss))).

The usage rate was first introduced by analyst Dean Oliver and published in his book, Basketball on Paper. Oliver believed that this stat could be used to measure a player’s impact on offense. The higher the usage rate, the more offensive responsibility a player has.

Usage rates can be useful when evaluating players, but it’s important to remember that it only measures the number of possessions a player uses. It doesn’t take into account other important factors such as how efficiently a player uses those possessions or how well he defends.

For these reasons, the usage rate should be used as just one tool in your evaluation of players.

What is the usage rate?

Usage rate is a statistical measure that attempts to quantify how often a player uses possessions while on the court. Simply put, it is an estimate of the percentage of team possessions that a player “uses” while on the floor.

While usage rate is most commonly used in basketball to measure how often a player shooting, it can be used in other sports as well. In baseball, for example, some analysts use usage rate to track how often a baserunner attempts to steal a base.

The usage rate formula is relatively simple:

Usage Rate = 100 * ((FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOV) * (Tm / 5)) / (MP * (Tm / 5))

where FGA = field goal attempt, FTA = free throw attempt, TOV = turnover, MP = minutes played, and Tm = team minutes played.
It is important to note that usage rates can vary widely from player to player and from season to season. A high usage rate does not necessarily indicate that a player is better than one with a lower usage rate. Usage rates should always be considered in context with other statistics.

How is the usage rate calculated?

To calculate the usage rate, we simply divide a player’s total number of possessions used while on the floor by the team’s total number of possessions while that player is on the floor. So, if a player uses 30 possessions in a game and his team uses 100 total possessions in that game, his usage rate would be 30%.

What are the benefits of knowing the usage rate?

Usage rate is a statistic in basketball that measures the percentage of team possessions used by a player while he is on the court. The higher the usage rate, the more often a player is involved in his team’s offense.

There are a variety of benefits to knowing the usage rate of NBA players. For one, it can help to predict how many points a player will score. It can also be helpful in predicting how often a player will turn the ball over, as well as how often he will shoot. Additionally, usage rate can be a valuable tool in evaluating trades and free agent signings.

What are the drawbacks of knowing the usage rate?

The usage rate is a stat that attempts to measure how often a player uses possesions while he is on the court. While it is a reasonable approximation of how “active” a player is, it does have some notable shortcomings.

First, the usage rate does not take into account the quality of possessions. A player could use up a high percentage of his team’s possessions, but if most of those possessions are wasted (turnovers, bad shots, etc.), then he is not really helping his team.

Second, the usage rate does not take into account teammates. A player could have lower usage rate than another player, but if he plays with better teammates (who create more scoring opportunities), then he could actually be more valuable to his team.

Third, the usage rate can be skewed by playing time. A player who averages 30 minutes per game will have more opportunities to use possessions than a player who averages 20 minutes per game. So, all else being equal, the player averaging 30 minutes per game will usually have a higher usage rate.

So, while the Usage Rate is a helpful statistic, it should be used with caution and in conjunction with other stats in order to get a full picture of a player’s value.

How can the usage rate be used to improve player performance?

The usage rate is a statistic that measures the percentage of team possessions that a player uses while he is on the court. It is a useful tool for evaluating players, as it can help to identify those who are effective at creating and scoring opportunities for their team.

There are a number of ways in which the usage rate can be used to improve player performance. Firstly, it can be used to identify players who are using a large number of possessions without being particularly efficient. This information can then be used to encourage these players to be more efficient with their touches, or alternatively, to reduce their minutes on the court. Secondly, the usage rate can be used as a tool for gameplanning. By knowing which players are likely to use a high percentage of their team’s possessions, coaches can design plays and strategies that aim to limit their impact on the game.


In order to usage rate, you need to understand what it is. Usage rate is an estimate of the percentage of team plays used by a player while he is on the floor. It is intended to be a measure of a player’s involvement in the offense. The higher the usage rate, the more plays a player is involved in.

The league average usage rate has been steadily increasing over the past few years. In the 2017-18 season, the league average usage rate was 23.8%. This was up from 23.5% in 2016-17 and 22.9% in 2015-16.

The highest usage rate in the NBA belongs to Russell Westbrook, who has had a usage rate above 40% in each of the past three seasons. Other high-usage players include James Harden, LeBron James, Anthony Davis, and Kyrie Irving.

Usage rates can be useful when evaluating players, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t tell the whole story. A high usage rate can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how efficient a player is with his possessions.

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