What Is the Wonderlic Test and How Does It Affect NFL Players?

The Wonderlic Test is an intelligence test that is given to NFL players during the Combine. It is used to help teams determine how well a player may be able to learn and retain information.

What is the Wonderlic Test?

The Wonderlic Test is a cognitive ability test that has been used for decades to help predict job performance. The test measures a person’s fluid intelligence, or their ability to reason and solve problems. The test is often used in the NFL to help measure a player’s potential.

What is the Wonderlic Test?

The Wonderlic Test is an intelligence test that is commonly used by a variety of employers, including the NFL, to measure cognitive ability. The test consists of 50 multiple-choice questions that must be answered in 12 minutes. The questions focus on mathematical ability, verbal reasoning, and general knowledge.

The Wonderlic Test has been criticized for being a poor predictor of success in the NFL, as it does not take into account factors such as athleticism or motivation. However, it remains a popular tool for employers because it is quick and easy to administer.

What is the Wonderlic Test used for?

The Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test is a pre-employment screening tool used by employers to assess job applicants’ intelligence level and potential for success in the role. The test is also used by the NFL during the scouting combine to help determine which college football players are best suited for success at the professional level.

The Wonderlic Test consists of 50 multiple-choice questions that must be answered in 12 minutes. The questions cover a range of topics, including math, logic, and vocabulary.

While the test is often criticized for its ability to accurately predict success in the NFL, it remains a popular tool among scouts and front office personnel. Scores on the Wonderlic Test are one of many factors that are considered when making draft decisions.

How Does the Wonderlic Test Affect NFL Players?

The Wonderlic test is a cognitive ability test that has been used since the 1970s to help predict success in various roles. It is most commonly used in the NFL to help teams decide which players to draft. The test consists of 50 questions that must be answered in 12 minutes. The test is designed to measure a variety of cognitive skills, including short-term memory, mathematical ability, and problem-solving.

How does the Wonderlic Test affect NFL players?

The Wonderlic Test is an intelligence test that has been used by the NFL since the 1970s to help measure a player’s cognitive abilities. The test is given to all players at the NFL Scouting Combine, and each player is given a score out of 50.

The test has been controversial, as some believe that it does not accurately measure a player’s ability to perform on the football field. However, many NFL teams still use the Wonderlic Test as one of their scouting tools.

Players who score high on the Wonderlic Test are often thought to have higher football IQs, and be more likely to succeed at the NFL level. Conversely, players who score low on the Wonderlic Test are often thought to be less intelligent and more likely to struggle in the NFL.

While there is no definitive proof that the Wonderlic Test can accurately predict success or failure in the NFL, it remains one of the most widely used scouting tools in the league.

What is the average Wonderlic Test score for NFL players?

While the average Wonderlic Test score for NFL players is not publicly available, it is generally accepted that the average score is around 20. The Wonderlic Test is a cognitive ability test that is commonly used by employers to assess an applicant’s aptitude for learning, problem solving, and critical thinking.

While the test itself is not an accurate predictor of success in the NFL, it can give coaches and scouts a general idea of a player’s intelligence and potential. In recent years, there has been a movement away from using the Wonderlic Test as a major factor in evaluating NFL prospects, as many believe that it does not accurately measure a player’s ability to succeed at the professional level.

How does the Wonderlic Test affect NFL draft picks?

The Wonderlic Test is an exam given to NFL draft prospects during the NFL Scouting Combine. It has 50 questions and must be completed in 12 minutes. The test is designed to measure a player’s learning and problem-solving ability, and has been used by the NFL since the 1970s.

In recent years, there has been increasing scrutiny of the Wonderlic Test and its relevance to NFL players. Critics argue that the test is a poor predictor of success in the NFL, and that its use disproportionately affects African-American players.

There is no clear consensus on the Wonderlic Test’s predictive ability, but its continued use in the NFL draft process suggests that it remains an important tool for scouts and front office personnel.


In conclusion, the Wonderlic Test is not a perfect predictor of success for NFL players, but it is a helpful tool for scouts to use when considering prospects. A player’s score on the Wonderlic Test can give scouts an idea of how well the player might be able to learn and execute a playbook. The test can also help scouts identify players who are likely to struggle with the mental aspects of the game.

In conclusion…

The Wonderlic Test is used by the NFL to measure a player’s cognitive ability and problem-solving skills. A high score on the Wonderlic Test is associated with success in the NFL, and a low score is associated with lack of success. The Wonderlic Test is not a perfect predictor of success, but it is one tool that can be used to evaluate NFL prospects.

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