What Months Are Baseball Season?

Find out which months are considered baseball season so you don’t miss a game!


The regular baseball season typically runs from April to October, with the playoffs extending into November. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 season was shortened and began in July.

The History of Baseball

Baseball is a sport that is often thought to be America’s pastime. The game was created in the 1800s and has been played by millions of people around the world. The game has evolved over the years, and the modern game is a bit different than the game that was played in the 1800s.

Early baseball seasons

The first organized baseball league, the National Association of Base Ball Players, was established in 1858. The first professional team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, was formed in 1869. The first game between two professional teams was played in 1865, and by the 1870s there were a number of professional teams across the country.

The baseball season typically runs from April to October, with a shorter season in Japan. Major League Baseball (MLB) is the highest level of professional baseball in the world, and the World Series is the pinnacle of MLB competition.

The length of the baseball season has varied throughout history. In the early years of professional baseball, teams played as many as 150 games per season. The schedule was gradually shortened over time, and by 1900 most teams were playing between 130 and 140 games per season. Today, MLB teams play a 162-game regular season schedule.

The modern baseball season

The modern baseball season of 154 games began in 1878, when clubs from the National League and the International League played each other. Preceding that, there were various forms of baseball being played throughout North America that would eventually lead to the formation of professional teams.

Baseball as we know it today began to take shape in the late 1860s. In 1869, the Cincinnati Reds were formed as the first professional baseball team. The first professional league, the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players, was established in 1871. This league only lasted five seasons, but it did lay the foundation for future professional leagues.

The National League was formed in 1876 and is considered by many to be the first major league. This league is still in existence today and is made up of teams from the United States and Canada. The first modern World Series was played between these two countries in 1903.

The American League was established in 1901 as a rival to the National League. The two leagues would compete against each other until they finally merged into one Major League Baseball organization in 2000.

Why do baseball seasons vary in length?

The length of a baseball season varies depending on the league. For example, Major League Baseball (MLB) seasons are typically between 162 and 183 games long, while Minor League Baseball (MiLB) seasons are shorter, at around 140 games. The length of a season also varies depending on the time of year it is played. Spring training typically begins in February, and the regular season begins in April. The postseason usually runs from October to November.

Weather conditions

baseball seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are generally scheduled to run from late March/early April to early October/late September, with a break in June and July for the All-Star Game and an additional break in August to allow teams to play each other an equal number of times. In addition, Because weather conditions can differ significantly from one region of the country to another, it is difficult to schedule games early in the season when many areas are still cold and snowy.

As a result, the length of baseball seasons can vary depending on when teams start playing. For example, the New York Yankees played their first game on April 4 in 2019, while the Kansas City Royals did not play their first game until April 8. The Yankees’ season therefore ended on September 29, while the Royals’ season extended into October.

The length of the playoffs

In order to accommodate the length of the playoffs, baseball season now starts in late March/early April, and can extend into November. There are typically 162 games in a season. teams play their opponents 19 times each (76 games), and play 40 inter-league games.


The baseball season typically runs from April through October, with the playoffs extending into November. The exact start and end dates vary from year to year, but the season is typically about six months long.

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