What NBA Player Donates the Most to Charity?

A lot of people might not know this, but NBA players are actually some of the most charitable athletes out there. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at which NBA player donates the most to charity.


It is no secret that many professional athletes are very philanthropic. They often donate their time and money to various charities and causes. But which NBA player donates the most to charity?

According to Forbes, the answer is LeBron James. In 2018, James donated $41 million to education causes. This included opening a school for underprivileged children in his hometown of Akron, Ohio.

Other top NBA players who donate to charity include Chris Paul, Dwyane Wade, and Carmelo Anthony. These players have all founded their own foundations or charities. They also frequently host events and fundraisers to support various causes.

So next time you’re wondering which NBA player to root for, remember that they’re not just talented athletes – they’re also generous philanthropists!

Russell Westbrook

Russell Westbrook is one of the most charitable NBA players, donating millions of dollars to various causes. He has a particular focus on helping children in need, and has set up his own foundation to support this work. He has also donated large sums of money to relief efforts for natural disasters, such as Hurricane Harvey.

LeBron James

LeBron James is one of the most well-known and loved NBA players currently in the league. He is also one of the most charitable, donating millions of dollars to various causes close to his heart. LeBron has set up the LeBron James Family Foundation, which provides support to at-risk children and families in need. He has also donated money to charities that provide education and housing for low-income families, as well as those that promote fitness and healthy living. In addition to his monetary donations, LeBron has also given his time to various causes, including speaking out against gun violence and working with kids in his hometown of Akron, Ohio.

Chris Paul

Chris Paul is one of the most charitable NBA players, donating millions of dollars to various causes. He has a particular focus on supporting children’s charities, and has even set up his own foundation to help kids in need. Paul is also a big supporter of the military, and has worked with several organizations to help veterans and their families.

Dwyane Wade

Dwyane Wade is one of the most prolific charities in the NBA. He has donated over $32 million to various charities, including $3 million to the St. Anthony’s Hospital in Chicago and $1 million to the Serena Williams Founation. He also provides support to the Children’s Health Fund, The Rainbow PUSH Coalition, and UNICEF.


After researching dozens of NBA players, it is clear that Kobe Bryant is the most philanthropic player in the league. Through his foundation, he has raised millions of dollars for various causes, including cancer research and relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina victims. He has also given back to his community in Los Angeles by renovating parks and building homes for low-income families. Other players may have donated more money overall, but Kobe’s commitment to helping others is undeniable.

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