What NFL Player Died This Week?

Keep up with the latest NFL player deaths with this weekly blog post.

What NFL Player Died This Week?


In this article, we will take a look at some of the NFL players who died this week. We will also provide a brief overview of their careers.

NFL Players Who Have Died This Week

This week, an NFL player died. This is the second player to die this week, and the third this season. Here are the details of their deaths.

Player 1

Player 1, who played for Team 1, died on Monday at the age of 27. He had been suffering from a long-term illness.

Player 2, who played for Team 2, died on Tuesday at the age of 28. The cause of death is unknown at this time.

Player 2

Player 2 was an American football player who died this week. He was a member of the NFL for 3 years and played for the team from 2010 to 2012.


The NFL player who died this week was Dolphins linebacker Junior Seau. Seau committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest, and his death has sent shockwaves throughout the NFL community. Seau was a future Hall of Famer and one of the most respected players in the league. His death is a tragedy, and our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

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