What NFL Quarterbacks Are Not Vaccinated?

NFL quarterbacks are some of the most physically fit people in the world. So, it’s no surprise that they’re also among the first to get vaccinated against the flu.


The NFL has said that all players must be vaccinated for COVID-19 before the start of the 2021 season. However, some quarterbacks have chosen not to get the vaccine. Here is a list of NFL quarterbacks who are not vaccinated.

Russell Wilson

As of right now, it is unknown if Russell Wilson has been vaccinated against COVID-19. However, given that he is one of the more high-profile NFL quarterbacks, it is possible that he has been vaccinated.

Tom Brady

Tom Brady has not yet been vaccinated for the flu this season, although he has said that he “absolutely” plans to do so. Brady is one of several NFL quarterbacks who are not vaccinated, according to a report from ESPN.

Aaron Rodgers

Rodgers, who is the starting quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, has not yet been vaccinated for COVID-19. He has said that he is still considering whether or not to get the vaccine, but has not made a final decision.


In conclusion, NFL quarterbacks are not vaccinated against the flu. However, many of them have been vaccinated against other diseases, such as polio and tetanus. This is likely due to the fact that the flu is not as common in the United States as other diseases.

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