What NFL Team Should I Support? Quiz

Take this quiz to find out which NFL team you should support!


If you’re new to the NFL or simply don’t have a team that you support, then this quiz is for you! Answer a few questions about your preferences and we’ll tell you which team you should support.

What NFL Team Should I Support? Quiz

If you’re new to the NFL or just want to find out which team is the best fit for you, take this quiz! Just answer a few questions about yourself and your favorite football team will be revealed.

Question 1

You like your football players nice and big.
-Prototypical NFL size or bigger.
-You don’t really have a preference.
-You prefer your football players on the smaller side.

Question 2

How important are winning and losing to you?

1. They’re both important to me. I want my team to win, but I can also appreciate a close game.
2. I want my team to win more than anything.
3. I guess winning is important, but it’s not the end-all, be-all for me. As long as they try their best, that’s all that matters to me.

Question 3

How much weight do you put on a team’s history?

-A lot. Only the classiest of teams with the richest history should be supported.
-Some. A team’s history is important, but it’s not everything.
-Not at all. A team’s history means nothing. The only thing that matters is how they’re doing now.


Now that you’ve taken the quiz, it’s time to find out which NFL team you should support!

If you scored…

– Most of your answers were A: Green Bay Packers
You should support the Green Bay Packers! The Packers are one of the most successful teams in NFL history, and they have a passionate fan base. If you’re looking for a team to support that has a winning tradition, the Packers are a great choice.

– Most of your answers were B: Seattle Seahawks
You should support the Seattle Seahawks! The Seahawks are one of the most exciting teams in the NFL, and they have a strong fan base. If you’re looking for a team to support that is always in the playoff mix, the Seahawks are a great choice.

– Most of your answers were C: Pittsburgh Steelers
You should support the Pittsburgh Steelers! The Steelers are one of the most successful teams in NFL history, and they have a passionate fan base. If you’re looking for a team to support that has a winning tradition, the Steelers are a great choice.

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