What NFL Teams Don’t Have Cheerleaders?

A look at the three teams in the NFL that don’t have cheerleaders.


A number of NFL teams don’t have cheerleaders, including the Green Bay Packers, Chicago Bears, New York Giants and New York Jets. While some teams may not have cheerleaders for financial reasons, others may feel that they don’t fit with the team’s image.

History of NFL Cheerleaders

The first professional cheerleading squad made its debut in 1948, when the Los Angeles Rams held tryouts for their “Ramettes.” Since then, cheerleading squads have become a staple of American football culture. Today, almost every NFL team has a cheerleading squad, with the exception of a few teams. One of the most notable examples is the Green Bay Packers, who are the only team in the NFL that doesn’t have cheerleaders.

So why don’t some NFL teams have cheerleaders? There are a few different reasons. In some cases, it’s simply a matter of preference. The Packers, for example, have never had cheerleaders because their fans prefer to focus on the game rather than sidelines entertainment. Other teams cite financial reasons for not having cheerleaders; it can be expensive to maintain a squad, especially if they’re not generating revenue for the team.

Still, many fans believe that NFL games wouldn’t be complete without cheerleaders and argue that they add an important element of fun and excitement to the game day experience. Whether or not you agree, there’s no denying that cheerleaders have become an iconic part of American football culture.

Why Some Teams Don’t Have Cheerleaders

The National Football League has had cheerleaders since the 1960s, but in recent years, some teams have decided to discontinue their programs. While it’s often a financial decision, there are also other factors that can contribute to a team’s decision to not have cheerleaders.

Some teams, like the Baltimore Ravens, have never had cheerleaders. In other cases, teams like the New Orleans Saints and Los Angeles Rams had cheerleaders for many years before choosing to discontinued their programs. The Buffalo Bills are the most recent team to make this decision, ending their 46-year run with cheerleaders in 2018.

There are a number of reasons why teams might choose not to have cheerleaders. Below are some of the most common reasons cited by teams or reported by news sources.

1. Financial considerations: Cheerleading squads can be costly for NFL teams to maintain. In addition to the cost of uniforms and other gear, squads typically require ongoing expenses for things like travel and training facilities.
2. Changing demographics: As the NFL has become more popular with female fans, some teams see having male-only cheerleading squads as outdated or off-putting.
3. Distraction from game: Some coaches and team officials believe that having cheerleaders on the sidelines takes attention away from the game itself. In some cases, this concern has been raised in relation to player safety, as well as fan experience at stadiums.

The Pros and Cons of Having Cheerleaders

Whether or not to have cheerleaders is a decision every NFL team has to make. There are pros and cons to having cheerleaders, and each team has to decide what is best for them.

Some people argue that cheerleaders are a necessary part of the game day experience. They add excitement and energy to the stadium, and they help create an atmosphere that is fun for fans. Cheerleaders also help promote the team and its brand, which can generate more revenue for the franchise.

On the other hand, some people argue that cheerleaders are not necessary and that they can be a distraction from the game. Additionally, they can be expensive to maintain, and there have been several instances of cheerleaders being mistreated by team owners and/or fans.

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether or not NFL teams should have cheerleaders. It is a decision that each team has to make based on what they feel is best for their organization.


While it’s not required for an NFL team to have cheerleaders, most teams do. In fact, there are only a handful of teams without cheerleaders. The two most notable examples are the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears. These two teams are among the most popular in the NFL, so it’s not surprising that they don’t feel the need to have cheerleaders.

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