What NFL Teams Protested the National Anthem?

Many NFL teams protested the national anthem this weekend in response to President Trump’s remarks. Here’s a look at which teams participated.


In 2016, Colin Kaepernick, then a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, began kneeling during the national anthem as a way of protesting police brutality and racial injustice. His peaceful protest sparked a nationwide conversation about race and patriotism, and inspired other athletes to follow suit.

In the years since, dozens of NFL players have joined Kaepernick in protesting the national anthem. Some players have kneeled, while others have raised their fists or stayed in the locker room during the song. protests have continued into 2020, with several high-profile players speaking out against racial injustice in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

Here is a list of all the NFL teams that have had at least one player protest the national anthem since 2016.

San Francisco 49ers

The San Francisco 49ers were one of the first NFL teams to protest the national anthem. In 2016, then-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began sitting or taking a knee during the anthem as a way to protest police brutality and racial inequality. Other 49ers players joined in the protest, and the team linked arms in unity. The protests continued into the 2017 season, with some players kneeling and others standing with linked arms. In 2018, only a handful of 49ers players kneeled during the anthem; the team said it wanted to find a “more respectful” way to bring attention to social issues.

Seattle Seahawks

Before their game against the Tennessee Titans on Sunday, the Seattle Seahawks released a statement saying that they would not be participating in the national anthem. “As a team, we have chosen to stand and interlock arms in unity. We honor those who have fought for the freedom of our country, as this is an expression of our freedom to peacefully protest,” the statement said.

Oakland Raiders

The Oakland Raiders were one of several teams that protested the national anthem in 2016. In week 3 of the NFL season, the Raiders stayed in the locker room during the anthem while their opponents, the San Diego Chargers, linked arms and stood on the sideline. This was in response to comments made by then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, who said that players who knelt during the anthem should be “fired.”

Miami Dolphins

The Miami Dolphins were one of several NFL teams that protested the national anthem in Week 3 of the 2017 season. Dolphins wide receivers Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson kneeled during the anthem, while defensive end Robert Quinn raised his fist.

Buffalo Bills

The Buffalo Bills were one of the teams that protested the National Anthem this past season. About a dozen players kneeled while the National Anthem was played before their game against the Denver Broncos. This was in response to President Trump’s comments that NFL players who protest the anthem should be fired.

New England Patriots

The New England Patriots were one of several NFL teams that protested the national anthem in 2016. Quarterback Tom Brady and other players linked arms during the pregame ceremony, and head coach Bill Belichick reportedly told his team to “do whatever you feel is necessary.” The Patriots also released a statement saying they were “unified” in their commitment to “equality, justice and freedom for all.”

New York Jets

The New York Jets were one of many NFL teams that protested the national anthem in 2016. Then-Jets receiver Brandon Marshall was the first player to kneel during the anthem, doing so before a game against the Buffalo Bills.

Denver Broncos

During the 2017 NFL season, several players on the Denver Broncos kneeled during the national anthem to protest racial inequality and police brutality in America. This was in response to comments made by President Donald Trump, who said that players who “disrespect” the flag should be fired.

Los Angeles Rams

The Los Angeles Rams were one of several teams that protested the national anthem in Week 3 of the NFL season. Wide receiver Robert Woods and linebacker Cory Littleton raised their fists in the air during the song, while defensive lineman Michael Brockers and safety Marqui Christian crossed their arms in solidarity.


In conclusion, it is clear that there is a divided opinions on whether NFL players should protest the national anthem. However, it is important to remember that these protests are happening because some players feel that there is racial inequality in America and they are using their platform to try and bring attention to this issue. Whether or not you agree with the protesters, it is important to respect their right to peaceful protest.

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