What NHL Player Do I Look Like?

Find out which NHL player you look like with this quick and easy quiz!


This app will help you to find out which NHL player you look like. All you need to do is upload a photo of yourself, and the app will use facial recognition technology to find the closest match.


Have you ever wondered which NHL player you look like? There’s now a scientific way to find out! With this new tool, all you need is a picture of yourself.

Find a photo of yourself

In order to find out which NHL player you look like, you will need to find a photo of yourself. The best type of photo to use would be a close-up, front-facing headshot. Once you have found a photo, upload it to the website.

Find a photo of your favorite NHL player

Assuming you have a favorite NHL player, finding a photo of them should be easy enough. Once you have found a photo, submit it to the “What NHL Player Do I Look Like?” website along with your own photo. The website will then analyze the two photos and tell you which NHL player you look like.

Use a face recognition tool to compare the two photos

Finding out which NHL player you look like is easy and only takes a few seconds with the help of a face recognition tool. All you need is a photo of yourself and a photo of the player you want to compare yourself to. Once you have both photos, upload them into the face recognition tool and it will do the rest. In just a few seconds, you’ll be able to see which player you look like the most.


So overall, I think I look like Jaromir Jagr. I have a similar build to him, and we both have weird hair. I also have a bit of a Five Hole resemblence going on. Jagr is a surefire Hall of Famer, so I’ll take that compliment.

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