What NHL Team Should I Root For?

Trying to decide which NHL team to root for? Here are some factors to consider when making your decision.


Have you ever wanted to find an NHL team to support, but didn’t know where to start? Well, look no further! This quiz will help you find the perfect team based on your answers to a few simple questions. Just answer honestly and you’re sure to end up with a great result.


There are a few things to think about before you decide on an NHL team to support. Location is one factor. If you live in or near a city with an NHL team, it might make sense to root for that team. Another thing to consider is which team your friends and family support. It can be more fun to watch games and follow along with the season if you have someone to do it with. Also, think about which teams you like and don’t like. You might have a soft spot for a team that’s not doing well, or you might want to root against a team that you think is overrated. Finally, consider what you want out of being a fan. Do you want to just watch games and enjoy them, or do you want to be more involved and learn about the sport and the teams?


Your location should be the first factor you consider when choosing an NHL team to root for. If you live in or near a city with an NHL team, it only makes sense to choose that team. For example, if you live in Chicago, you should root for the Blackhawks; if you live in Tampa, you should root for the Lightning. Not only will it be easier for you to attend games and support the team in person, but you’ll also have a better understanding of the team’s history and culture.


NHL teams have a lot of history, some dating back to the early days of the league. The Original Six teams are the Boston Bruins, Chicago Blackhawks, Detroit Red Wings, Montreal Canadiens, New York Rangers and Toronto Maple Leafs. These teams were the only ones in the NHL from 1942 until 1967 when the league doubled in size with the addition of six more teams.

If you’re a fan of one of these teams, you’re already ahead of the game. These teams have won a combined 40 Stanley Cups, which is more than half of all the Stanley Cups that have been awarded since 1927.


NHL rivalries are often intense and can be long lasting. Some rivalries are based on a teams history, while others are geographic. There are also some divisions in the NHL where every team seems to hate each other. Below are some of the most well known NHL rivalries.

Boston Bruins vs Montreal Canadiens
The Boston Bruins and Montreal Canadiens is perhaps the oldest and most well known rivalry in the NHL. These two Original Six teams have been battling it out since 1924. The Bruins and Canadiens have faced each other 34 times in the Stanley Cup Playoffs with Montreal winning 24 of those series.

Detroit Red Wings vs Colorado Avalanche
This rivalry was born in the late 90s when these two teams met in the Western Conference Finals 3 times in 4 years. The hatred peaked in 1997 when Claude Lemieux hit Kris Draper from behind, fracturing his jaw and orbital bone. These two teams met again in the playoffs in 2008 which resulted in a bench clearing brawl at the end of game 5.

Chicago Blackhawks vs St Louis Blues
This is a rivalry that has been heating up over the past few years. These two teams have been perennial playoff contenders which has resulted in some classic playoff battles. The Blackhawks have had recent success against the Blues, winning 3 straight playoff series against them.


One aspect you might want to consider when choosing an NHL team to root for is the players on the team. Do you have a favorite player that you’d like to see do well? If so, you might want to root for the team that he plays for. There are also some players that are just fun to watch, regardless of what team they’re on. For example, Sidney Crosby is one of the best players in the NHL, and he’s also a lot of fun to watch. If you’re looking for someone to root for based on the players, those are two factors you might want to take into account.

NHL Teams

There are thirty NHL teams, and each has something unique to offer fans. Some factors you may want to consider when choosing a team to root for include location, player skill, and team history. You may also want to consider which team your friends and family are fans of. Use this guide to help you decide which NHL team you should root for.

Eastern Conference

The Eastern Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL) is one of two conferences of the NHL, the other being the Western Conference. Both conferences are made up of 15 teams organized into three divisions each.

The Bruins have been a strong force in the NHL since their founding in 1924. They have won six Stanley Cup championships, and their most recent victory was in 2011. The Bruins are a Original Six team, and they have a long-standing rivalry with the Montreal Canadiens, whom they frequently play in the playoffs.

The Buffalo Sabres joined the NHL in 1970 as an expansion team. The Sabres have never won a Stanley Cup, but they did make it to the finals in 1975 and 1999. The team has a fierce rivalry with the Toronto Maple Leafs.

The Detroit Red Wings are one of the most successful teams in NHL history. They have won 11 Stanley Cups, and their most recent victory was in 2008. The Red Wings are a Original Six team, and their biggest rivals are the Chicago Blackhawks.

Western Conference

There are 31 teams currently in the NHL, 7 of which are in the Western Conference. These 7 teams are:
-Anaheim Ducks
-Arizona Coyotes
-Calgary Flames
-Chicago Blackhawks
-Colorado Avalanche
-Dallas Stars
-Edmonton Oilers

The Western Conference is home to some of the most iconic and successful teams in NHL history. The Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings have won a combined 12 Stanley Cups, while the Colorado Avalanche and Dallas Stars have each won 1.


NHL teams are located all across North America, so finding one to root for can be tricky. If you’re having trouble making a decision, here are a few factors to consider:

-Your favorite player: If you have a favorite player, you may want to root for the team he plays for. You can check the roster of each team on their website to see if your favorite player is on that team.
-Your favorite type of hockey: Some teams are known for playing a certain style of hockey. For example, the Pittsburgh Penguins are known for their “offensive” style, while the Los Angeles Kings are known for their “defensive” style. Consider which type of hockey you like watching and find a team that plays that way.
-Your hometown: If you’re from a certain city or region, you may want to root for the team from that area. For example, if you’re from Boston, you may want to root for the Boston Bruins.
-Your favorite color: Perhaps you have a favorite color and want to find a team whose colors match your favorite. For example, if your favorite color is blue, you may want to root for the Blue Jackets or the Blues.
Or maybe none of these factors matter to you and you just want to root for the team with the best chance of winning the Stanley Cup!

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