What Percentage Of NFL Players Go Broke?

A recent study showed that 78% of former NFL players are either bankrupt or under financial stress within two years of retirement.


According to a recent study, 79% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under severe financial stress within two years of retirement. This is a startling statistic, especially when you consider the fact that the average NFL career lasts less than four years.

So, what percentage of NFL players go broke? The answer, unfortunately, is a lot. While there are plenty of factors that contribute to this problem, the biggest one is probably the lack of a financial education. Many young athletes come into the NFL with a lot of money and very little understanding of how to manage it.

Without proper guidance, it’s easy to make bad decisions with your money. And once you start down that path, it can be very difficult to turn things around. If you’re not careful, you can end up losing everything you’ve worked so hard for.

If you’re wondering what percentage of NFL players go broke, the answer is unfortunately a lot. With the average NFL career lasting less than four years, many players find themselves in financial trouble after they retire. The biggest factor contributing to this problem is the lack of a financial education. Without proper guidance, it’s easy to make bad decisions with your money. And once you start down that path, it can be very difficult to turn things around.

Data and Statistics

According to a recent study, it is estimated that 78% of NFL players are either under financial stress or bankrupt within two years of retirement. This is a shocking statistic, considering the fact that the average NFL career only lasts 3-4 years. So why do so many NFL players go broke?

There are a number of factors that contribute to this problem. First of all, most NFL players are young and inexperienced with money. They suddenly have a lot of money coming in, and they’re not used to handling it. This can lead to impulsively spending on things like cars, clothes, and jewelry.

Another factor is that many NFL players come from low-income backgrounds and have never seen much money before. As a result, they often have difficulty managing their finances once they start making big salaries.

Finally, there’s the issue of playing an injury-prone sport. Many NFL players end up sustaining serious injuries that require costly medical treatment. Not to mention, once their playing days are over, they often have trouble finding well-paying jobs due to their injuries.

All of these factors contribute to the high percentage of NFL players who go broke within a few years of retirement. It’s a sad reality for many former athletes who simply don’t know how to handle their newfound wealth.

Reasons Why NFL Players Go Broke

football players go broke for a variety of reasons. Most of them have to do with a lack of financial literacy and bad decision-making. Here are some of the main reasons why NFL players go broke:

-poor financial literacy: NFL players are not taught how to manage their money properly. They might make a lot of money, but if they don’t know how to save and invest it, they will quickly blow through all their earnings.

-lifestyle inflation: NFL players often live a lifestyle that is far beyond their means. They might buy expensive cars, homes, and clothes that they can’t really afford. This can lead to massive debt and eventually bankruptcy.

-bad investments: many NFL players make poor investment decisions. They might invest in speculate businesses or put their money into risky ventures that don’t pan out. This can lead to huge financial losses that are difficult to recover from.

-gambling debts: gambling is a problem for many NFL players. They might bet on games or get involved in other types of gambling that can lead to massive debts. If they can’t pay back what they owe, it can ruin their financial lives.

-divorce: divorce is another common reason why NFL players go broke. The process can be very costly and it can result in a significant loss of income and assets. This can make it difficult for someone to maintain their current lifestyle, let alone improve it.

Financial Planning and Preparation

Financial planning and preparation is critical for all professional athletes, but especially for NFL players. A recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that 78% of former NFL players are either bankrupt or under severe financial stress within two years of retirement.

The average NFL career lasts just 3.3 years, so players have a very short window to earn a good living and save for the future. Unfortunately, many players are not prepared for the reality of life after football. They may be accustomed to living a lavish lifestyle, and they may not have the financial know-how to make sound investments or budget properly for their post-career lives.

There are several factors that contribute to financial insecurity among NFL players. Firstly, salaries in the league are not guaranteed, so players can be cut at any time and lose their income overnight. In addition, because most contracts are only for a few years, players must continually re-sign new deals and may not always be able to command the same high salaries they once did. Finally, many players have expensive tastes and lifestyles that are not sustainable long-term.

Players can take steps to improve their financial security both during and after their playing careers. Firstly, they should try to sign contracts that include guaranteed money in case they are cut or released by their team. They should also invest in long-term savings vehicles such as annuities or IRAs so that they will have a steady income stream after retirement. Finally, players should be mindful of their spending habits and make sure their lifestyle is affordable both now and in the future.


In conclusion, while it is difficult to pinpoint an exact percentage of NFL players who go broke, it is safe to say that it is a significant problem. There are a number of factors that contribute to this problem, including the high cost of living, poor financial planning, and the physical and mental toll of playing professional football. While there are some programs in place to help players transition into retirement, more needs to be done to prevent players from going broke in the first place.

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