What Position In Baseball Should I Play?

If you’re new to baseball, or are looking to change positions, it’s important to know what each position entails. Here’s a quick guide to help you figure out what position in baseball should you play!

General guidelines

There are nine fielding positions in baseball. When you play in the outfield, you play in either left field, center field, or right field. Each position has different responsibilities. The following is a general guide to help you decide what position you should play.

You will need to know your skill set

There are nine positions in baseball. But, frankly, some of those positions are more important than others. So, if you want to play baseball — or at least have a good chance at making a decent team — you need to know which position is the best fit for your skill set.

The most important positions on the field are pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second baseman and shortstop. These are the so-called “keystone” positions. They are called this because they are the foundation of the defense. If you can play one of these positions well, you will likely find a spot on any team you try out for.

Pitcher: This is the most important position on the field. A pitcher’s primary job is to throw strikes and get outs. If you have a good fastball and can control it, you have a chance to be a pitcher.

Catcher: A catcher’s job is two-fold: first, to catch the pitches thrown by the pitchers; and second, to call plays and help direct the pitchers during games. If you’re a good athlete with quick reflexes, this might be the position for you.

First baseman: A first baseman’s job is to catch throws from the other infielders and occasional throws from the outfielders when runners are on first base. He also has to be able to hit for power in order to drive in runs. If you’re a big guy with good hands, this might be the position for you.

Second baseman: A second baseman’s job is similar to a shortstop’s — he has to catch throws from the other infielders and occasionally from outfielders when runners are on first or second base. He also has to be able turn double plays (a fielder catches a ball and then throws it to another fielder who then tagssecond base beforethe runner arrives). If you’re quick and nimble with good hand-eye coordination, this might be the position for you.

Shortstop: A shortstop’s job is similar to a second baseman’s — he has to catch throws fromthe other infieldersand occasional throws from outfielders when runners are on first or second base. He also hasto be able toturn double plays (a fielder catches a ball and then throws it toy another fielder who then tagssecond basebeforethe runner arrives). Ifyou’re quickand nimblewithgood hand-eye coordination, this mightbe thepositionforyou.

You will need to know what position the coach needs to be filled

The first step in knowing what position you should play is finding out what your coach needs. Every team has different strengths and weaknesses. Coaches put together their lineup based on what they feel gives their team the best chance to win. If your coach needs a pitcher and you are the best pitcher on the team, there is a good chance you will be pitching. The same goes for every other position. Your coach will put you in the position he feels gives the team the best chance to succeed.


If you are a beginner in baseball, you might be wondering what position you should play. A lot of people think that the position of hitter is the most important position in baseball. However, this is not true. There are nine positions in baseball, and each position is important. Hitting is just one small part of the game.

If you are good at hitting the ball, you should tryout for infield or outfield

If you are good at hitting the ball, you should tryout for infield or outfield. These are the two positions that require the most skill when it comes to hitting. If you are not as good at hitting, you may want to tryout for catcher or pitcher.


Pitching is one of the most important positions in baseball. A pitcher’s job is to throw the baseball to the catcher, who then returns the ball to the pitcher. The pitcher must also field any balls that are hit by the batter.

If you are good at pitching, you should tryout for pitcher

If you are good at pitching, you should tryout for pitcher. Pitching is one of the most important roles on a baseball team, and the pitcher is the player who throws the baseball from the mound to the catcher.


Catching is one of the most important and difficult positions on the field. A catcher’s main responsibilities are to receive pitches thrown by the pitcher, help control the running game, and work with the pitchers to call the game. Catchers must also be able to hit, as they are typically batting in the bottom of the lineup.

If you are good at catching, you should tryout for catcher

Catching is one of the most important positions in baseball. A catcher’s main responsibility is to catch the ball when the pitcher throws it. They also help guide the pitchers during games and signal to them what type of pitch to throw.

If you are good at catching, you should tryout for catcher. This position requires a lot of skill and knowledge about the game. You need to be able to communicate well with the pitchers and have a good understanding of strategy.

Being a catcher is a demanding job, but it can be very rewarding. You will play an important role on the team and have a lot of responsibility. If you are up for the challenge, try out for catcher!


If you are looking to play baseball at any level, it is important to know what position in baseball best suits your individual skills. This can help you not only enjoy the game more, but also improve your chances of making it to the next level. In this article, we will be discussing the fielding positions in baseball.

If you are good at fielding, you should tryout for infield or outfield

There are nine fielding positions in baseball. Each one has a specific role to play in helping the team win. If you are good at fielding, you should tryout for infield or outfield.

The infield positions are first base, second base, third base, and shortstop. These players need to have good range and be able to field balls cleanly. They also need to have a strong arm so they can make long throws to the other side of the diamond.

The outfield positions are left field, center field, and right field. Outfielders need to have good speed so they can chase down fly balls. They also need to be able to throw the ball long distances accurately.

Baseball is a team sport and every position is important. However, if you are good at fielding, you should tryout for infield or outfield because these positions require specific skills that you may excel at.

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