What Rackets Do Pro Tennis Players Use?

Do you know what rackets pro tennis players use? If you’re a fan of the sport, you might be curious about the gear that the top athletes use. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular racket choices among professional tennis players.

Tennis Rackets

Although professional tennis players are free to use any racket they like, most of them prefer to use one of the top brands. The three most popular brands among pro players are Wilson, Babolat, and Head. Each of these brands has a different feel and provides different benefits.

Head size

One of the biggest racket technology changes in recent years has been the introduction of much larger head sizes. In tennis’ modern era, which began in 1968, rackets were smaller than they are today. The average strung racket head size was around 65 square inches. Compare that with today’s average pro player racket, which is around 98 square inches. That increase of 30 square inches represents nearly a 50 percent bigger hitting area.

The rationale behind the dramatic increase in head size is two-fold: It makes it easier to hit winners because there is more “sweet spot,” or area on the strings where contact with the ball produces optimum results; and it also gives players more power because there is more string bed to bounce the ball off of.


Most modern tennis rackets are between 9 and 11.5 ounces, with 9-10 ounces being the most common for recreational players and 10.5-11.5 ounces being most common for competitive players. But weight is only one of several important factors to consider when choosing a tennis racket.

Head size also plays an important role in selecting a racket, with larger heads offering more power and smaller heads providing more control. But again, head size is only one part of the puzzle—other important considerations include string pattern, balance point, beam width and grip size.

Much like golf clubs,there is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to choosing a tennis racket. The best way to find the right racket for your game is to consult with a qualified professional who can help you narrow down your options and make an informed decision.

Beam width

Beam width is the width of the racket head measured at its widest point. The industry standard is 23-25mm. This measurement correlates very closely with power. A wider racket head results in a larger sweet spot, and more power. A narrower head gives the player more control over placement, but results in less power. Beam widths below 23mm are rare, but they do exist. These narrower beam widths allow for more control, but the trade off is less power and a smaller sweet spot.

String Tension

If you’re a professional tennis player, you know that using the right racket can give you a leg up on the competition. But did you know that string tension is also an important factor in choosing the right racket? Higher string tension can give you more control over your shots, while lower string tension can increase the power of your shots.

String pattern

The string pattern of a tennis racket is the number of crosses and main strings in the racket’s head. The string pattern affects the playability of the racket. A racket with a denser string pattern (more crosses and main strings) will have more control, while a racket with a more open string pattern (fewer crosses and main strings) will have more power. The sweet spot of a tennis racket is the small area in the center of the head where the ball will have less spin and more power. A denser string pattern will make the sweet spot smaller, while a more open string pattern will make it larger.

Pro tennis players typically use one of two types of string patterns:
-16 x 18: This is a very dense string pattern that offers maximum control. It is often used by players who hit the ball with a lot of spin.
-18 x 20: This is a less dense string pattern that offers more power. It is often used by players who hit the ball with less spin.

String material

The vast majority of professional tennis players use either gut or a synthetic gut string in their rackets. Gut strings, which are made from sheep intestine, have been around for centuries and were once the only type of string available. They are still considered by many to be the best type of string for two main reasons: they provide the best feel and they produce more power than other strings.

Gut strings are also the most expensive type of string, which is why most recreational players opt for synthetic gut. These strings are made from various materials, such as nylon, Kevlar, or polyester, and offer a good balance of feel, power, and durability. They also tend to be less expensive than gut strings.

Grip Size

Tennis racket grip size is an important consideration for anyone playing tennis. The size of your grip will determine how well you can control the racket. A grip that is too small will cause you to grip the racket too tightly, which can lead to tension and fatigue. A grip that is too large will make it difficult to control the racket and will cause you to hit the ball less accurately. You should always try to find a grip size that is comfortable for you and that you can control.


Overgrips are the thinnest of all the grips and are usually about 0.5 mm thick. They don’t offer much in the way of shock absorption, but they do increase your grip on the racket. Overgrips are usually made of synthetic materials like polyurethane or suede and can be purchased in a variety of colors. Many players like to use overgrips because they can be replaced quickly and easily when they start to wear down.

Racket Technology

There are four basic elements to a racket: the frame, the strings, the grip, and the head. The frame is the main structure of the racket and is made up of the throat, the shaft, and the hoop. The strings are the part of the racket that make contact with the ball. The grip is the part of the racket that you hold onto. And finally, the head is the part of the racket that strikes the ball.

Stringing machines

Tennis racket stringing machines are specially designed machines that are used to string tennis rackets. The machine holds the racket in place while the strings are strung. There are different types of stringing machines available on the market, each with its own unique features and benefits.

Some of the features that you may want to look for in a stringing machine include:
-The ability to string multiple rackets at the same time
-A tensionmeter for accurate string tension
-A quick release for easy string changes
-A lockstitch for a secure grip on the strings
-Vibration dampeners to reduce vibration and noise


Touring pro tennis players receive rackets from the manufacturers (like Wilson, Head, Babolat, etc.) and have them customized to suit their playing style and preferences. New strings, different grips, weight and balance adjustments, and other tweaks can be made to help a player get the most out of their racket.

Racket customization services

Most racket companies offer some kind of customization service, which usually entails stringing the racket with a different gauge or type of string, or making minor adjustments to the weight and balance. Some companies will also replace the grip or add lead tape to the frame to customize its weight and feel. These services are usually performed by authorized retailers or pros, and they can be a great way to get a little extra performance out of your racket without having to buy a new one.

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