What Size Medicine Ball Do I Need For Baseball Training?

Do you need a medicine ball for baseball training? What size should you get? Check out this blog post to find out!


If you’re looking to improve your batting and fielding skills, one effective way is to incorporate medicine ball training into your practice sessions. Medicine balls are great for building power, improving hand-eye coordination, and increasing the range of motion in your shoulders and hips. But with so many different sizes and weights available, it can be tough to know which one is right for you.

Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the right size medicine ball for your baseball training:

-For young players ages 5-8, we recommend a 4-pound ball.
-For players ages 9-12, we recommend an 8-pound ball.
-For players ages 13 and up, we recommend a 12-pound ball.

Remember, the key is to find a weight that challenges you without being too heavy or too light. If you can swing the ball with ease, it’s time to move up to a heavier weight. And if you’re struggling to control the ball or feeling pain in your joints, it’s time to lighten the load.

What is a medicine ball?

A medicine ball is a weighted ball that is used for rehab and training purposes. Medicine balls come in a variety of weights, sizes, and colors. The weight of the ball is listed on the ball itself.

What are the benefits of using a medicine ball?

There are many benefits to using a medicine ball as part of your baseball training. First, it helps to improve your cardiovascular fitness. Second, it strengthens your muscles and helps to increase your range of motion. Third, it helps to improve your coordination and balance. Finally, it can help to prevent injuries by providing a safe way to train.

What size medicine ball do I need?

When you’re determining what size medicine ball to purchase for your baseball training, it’s important to consider a few factors. First, think about the types of exercises you’ll be doing with the ball. If you plan on doing a lot of Russian twists or other core-strengthening exercises, a smaller ball may be best. On the other hand, if you’re going to be doing a lot of overhead throws or slams, you’ll need a bigger, heavier ball.

Another consideration is the weight of the ball. Medicine balls range in weight from 2 pounds all the way up to 30 pounds. If you’re a beginner, it’s best to start with a lighter ball and work your way up as you get stronger. For more experienced athletes, a heavier ball will provide more resistance and help you build more muscle.

Finally, think about your budget. Medicine balls range in price from around $20 to $200, depending on their size and weight. If you’re just starting out, it’s not necessary to spend a lot of money on a top-of-the-line ball. You can find perfectly good options at any sporting goods store or online retailer.

Keep these factors in mind when choosing a medicine ball, and you’ll be sure to find one that’s just right for your baseball training needs!

How do I use a medicine ball?

Most coaches will have you start with a lighter ball, such as a 4-pounder, and graduate to a heavier ball as you get stronger. The following is a general guide for using medicine balls of different weights:

4-pound ball: This weight is good for strengthening the smaller muscles in your arms and legs. It’s also good for beginners because it’s not too heavy.

6-pound ball: This weight is good for intermediate users. It provides more resistance than a 4-pound ball, but it’s still manageable.

8-pound ball: This weight is good for advanced users. It’s very challenging and should only be used by people who are already quite strong.


In conclusion, the size of the medicine ball you need for baseball training will depend on your individual needs and training goals. If you are looking for a medicine ball to improve your hitting power, then a heavier ball is likely a better choice. If you are looking for a ball to improve your fielding ability or to increase your hand-eye coordination, then a lighter ball is likely a better choice. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what size medicine ball is right for you and your baseball training goals.

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