What Size Tennis Racket Should You Buy?

Tennis racket sizing can be a tricky business. If you’re not sure what size racket to buy, check out this blog post for some helpful tips.

What Size Tennis Racket Should You Buy?


Selecting the correct tennis racket is an important part of playing the game. The weight, grip size, string pattern and overall length of the racket all contribute to how the racket will feel in your hand and perform on the court. In order to select the best tennis racket for your game, it is important to understand how these features work together.

There are three factors that you should consider when choosing a tennis racket: weight, grip size and string pattern. The weight of a racket is measured in ounces and is generally divided into three categories: light (9-10 ounces), medium (10-11 ounces) and heavy (11+ ounces). A light racket is easier to swing, but a heavy racket provides more power. Grip size is measured in inches and corresponds to the width of your hand. A larger grip size will provide more control, while a smaller grip size will offer more power. String pattern refers to the number of main strings (vertical) and cross strings (horizontal) on the racket. A higher number of main strings will offer more power, while a higher number of cross strings will provide more control.

Now that you know the basics, it’s time to find the perfect tennis racket for your game!

How to choose the right size tennis racket

When you’re just starting out playing tennis, it’s important to have the right equipment. The size of the tennis racket you use will have a big impact on your game. If you use a racket that’s too small, you won’t be able to generate enough power. If you use a racket that’s too big, you won’t be able to control it. So, how do you choose the right size tennis racket?

grip size

Grip size is the most important factor in choosing a tennis racket. It is the measurement of the handle of the racket and is measured in inches. The grip size that is right for you depends on the size of your hand. A good way to determine grip size is to hold the racket in your hand with the face of the racket pointing away from you and your hand extended. If you can just barely touch your pinky finger to your palm, then the grip size is right for you. If you can not touch your pinky finger to your palm, then the grip size is too small. If you can fit more than one finger between your pinky and palm, then the grip size is too large.

racket length

The length of a tennis racket should be based on your height. If you are between 4’11” and 5’3″ tall, you should buy a tennis racket that is 27 inches long. If you are between 5’3″ and 5’7″ tall, you should buy a tennis racket that is 27.5 inches long. If you are between 5’7″ and 6′ tall, you should buy a tennis racket that is 28 inches long. And if you are over 6′ tall, you should buy a tennis racket that is 29 inches long.

racket weight

How much does the racket weigh? It’s important that you choose a racket that is not too heavy or too light for your height, weight, age and playing level. If you are an adult beginner, you will probably find it easier to control a lighter racket. If you are an adult advanced player with powerful strokes, you may prefer a heavier racket for more power and stability.

The size of the head also affects the weight of the racket. A large head size will make the racket heavier than a small head size. Some people prefer larger head sizes because they believe it gives them more power. Other people prefer smaller heads because they feel they have more control. Ultimately, it is a matter of personal preference.

The benefits of using the right size tennis racket

There are many factors to consider when purchasing a tennis racket, such as cost, weight, and string pattern. However, the most important factor to consider is the size of the racket. Many people make the mistake of using a racket that is too heavy or too light for their playing style, which can lead to poor performance and unnecessary injuries.

There are three main types of tennis rackets: oversize, mid-plus, and standard. The size of the racket is determined by the length and width of the frame. The longer and wider the frame, the larger the sweet spot (the area on the strings that produces the most power). Oversize rackets have the largest sweet spot and are ideal for beginners or players with slow swings. Mid-plus rackets have a moderately sized sweet spot and are suitable for intermediate players. Standard rackets have the smallest sweet spot and are used by professional players.

The weight of a tennis racket is also an important consideration. Racket weight is measured in ounces (oz.) and ranges from 8 oz. to 16 oz., with 8 oz. being the lightest and 16 oz. being the heaviest. Players with slower swings should use lighter rackets because they are easier to maneuver. Players with faster swings should use heavier rackets because they provide more power.

String pattern is another important consideration when choosing a tennis racket. String pattern refers to the number of main strings (vertical) and cross strings (horizontal) on a racket’s head. The most common string pattern is 16 x 18, which means there are 16 main strings and 18 cross strings on the racket’s head. This string pattern provides good control and power for all players


After reading this article, you should have a pretty good idea of what size tennis racket to buy. If you’re still not sure, don’t hesitate to ask a knowledgeable salesperson at your local sporting goods store for help. In general, it’s better to err on the side of buying a slightly larger racket than one that’s too small. With a larger racket, you’ll have more power and control, and you can always adjust your grip to compensate for the extra size.

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