What State Is Baseball Most Popular?

A new study finds that baseball is most popular in the Midwest and Northeast.

What State Is Baseball Most Popular?


In baseball, as in other sports, popularity can be measured in a number of ways. One way to measure popularity is by looking at which states have the most professional teams. Major League Baseball (MLB) is the highest level of baseball in the United States and teams are located across the country. As of 2019, there are 30 MLB teams, with three additional teams slated to begin play in the next few years. Of those 30 teams, 15 are located in the eastern half of the United States and 15 are located in the western half.

While every state has at least one minor league team, only 10 states have an MLB team. Of those 10 states, California has the most with five teams, followed by Texas with four teams. Florida has two teams and Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Missouri each have one team.

Many people believe that baseball is no longer as popular as it once was. However, there are still many people who love the game and follow it religiously. In fact, baseball is still one of the most popular sports in the United States. Let’s take a look at the states where baseball is most popular.


California is one of the most populous states in the US, and it also has a strong baseball tradition. The state is home to two Major League teams, the San Francisco Giants and the Los Angeles Dodgers. In addition, there are a number of minor league and college teams in California. baseball is also popular at the high school level, with many schools fielding competitive teams.


Texas is often cited as the state with the most baseball fans, and it’s not hard to see why. The state is home to two Major League Baseball teams (the Houston Astros and Texas Rangers), as well as dozens of minor league and independent teams. Baseball is also hugely popular at the college level, with many of the state’s schools fielding competitive teams.

New York

New York is home to two of the most iconic baseball teams in history, the Yankees and the Mets, so it’s no surprise that the sport is hugely popular in the state. In fact, a recent poll found that almost 60% of New Yorkers said baseball was their favorite sport to watch.

Other states where baseball is particularly popular include Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan. In general, the Northeast and Midwest are big baseball regions, while the sport is not as popular in the West and South.


Historically, baseball has been most popular in the Northeastern United States, but in recent years, states like Florida have been catching up. In fact, according to a recent study, Florida is now one of the most popular states for baseball.

The study found that baseball is the most popular sport in Florida, with nearly 9% of residents saying they are fans. This is followed closely by football (8%), basketball (7%), and hockey (6%). Interestingly, the state also has high levels of interest in other sports such as soccer (4%), golf (3%), and NASCAR (2%).

So why is baseball so popular in Florida? One possible reason is that the state is home to two Major League Baseball teams: the Tampa Bay Rays and the Miami Marlins. Additionally, Florida is a warm weather state, which means that people can enjoy baseball year-round. And finally, many retirees move to Florida after they retire from playing professional baseball, which helps to keep the sport alive and well in the state.


Baseball is most popular in the Midwest and Northeast, with states like Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New York leading the way. These states have strong baseball traditions, dating back to the early days of the sport. In recent years, baseball has also gained popularity in other parts of the country, including the Southwest and Southeast.

You might think that baseball is popular everywhere in the US, but that’s not actually the case. There are some states where baseball is less popular than others. Here are the states where baseball is least popular.


Alaska is one of the least baseball-popular states in the country. In 2015, the state had the lowest per capita attendance at Major League Baseball games of any state, with only 0.23 fans per 100,000 residents. Alaska is also the only state that does not have a single minor league baseball team.


Baseball may be America’s pastime, but it isn’t popular in every state. In fact, there are several states where baseball is far less popular than other sports.

One of those states is Hawaii. Despite being home to several professional baseball teams, the sport has never really caught on in the islands. Baseball is typically overshadowed by football and basketball in Hawaii.

North Dakota

Although baseball is widely considered America’s national pastime, there are some states where the sport is far less popular than others. One of these states is North Dakota, where just 4.8% of respondents to a nationwide survey said that baseball was their favorite sport.

This marks a significant decrease from previous years, when baseball was far more popular in the state. In fact, just a few years ago, North Dakota was considered one of the most passionate baseball states in the country. So what happened?

It’s hard to say for sure, but one possible explanation is the state’s relatively small population. With just over 750,000 residents, North Dakota doesn’t have a lot of people to support a strong baseball culture. Additionally, the state doesn’t have any professional baseball teams, which means that residents have to rely on college or minor league teams for their baseball fix.

South Dakota

South Dakota is one of the least baseball-popular states in the country. In fact, a 2017 poll found that only 9 percent of adults in the state said they were fans of the sport. This is likely due in part to the state’s lack of a professional team. The closest Major League Baseball team to South Dakota is the Minnesota Twins, who play about 400 miles away from the state’s capital, Pierre.


Wyoming is the least populous state in the nation, so it’s no surprise that baseball isn’t very popular there. In fact, the state doesn’t even have a minor league team.

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