What State Produces The Most Nba Players?

The answer might surprise you – it’s not California or Texas. In fact, the state that produces the most NBA players per capita is actually Indiana.


Basketball is a sport that is enjoyed by people all over the world. While it is true that the majority of NBA players come from the United States, there are players from all over the world that have found success in the league. In fact, in the 2015-2016 season, there were 113 international players from 42 different countries and territories on NBA rosters.

So, what state produces the most NBA players? The answer may surprise you. While it is true that California and Texas produce a large number of NBA players, the state that has produced the most NBA players per capita is Indiana.

The Five States With The Most NBA Players

California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois are the five states that have produced the most NBA players. In terms of sheer numbers, California is the clear leader with over 200 NBA players. Texas is a distant second with over 100 NBA players. New York, Florida, and Illinois round out the top five with between 50 and 60 NBA players each.


With a whopping 57 California-born players in the NBA, the state more than doubles second-place Texas, which has 28. Owing to its large population — California is the most populous state in the U.S., with 39.5 million residents — it’s not surprising that it would also boast the most NBA players. Interestingly, California is also home to seven of the 10 cities in the U.S. with the most NBA players, including Los Angeles (which has 11), Oakland (seven), and San Francisco (five).


Texas has produced the most NBA players of any state in the U.S., with over 150 players hailing from the Lone Star State. That’s more than twice as many as California, which is second on the list with 60 players.

The majority of Texas-born NBA players come from the Houston area, with nearly 40 players having been born in the city. Dallas comes in second with around 30 players, followed by San Antonio with 20.

While there are a number of reasons for Texas’ success in producing NBA talent, one factor is likely the state’s large population. With nearly 28 million residents, Texas has more than twice as many people as California (39 million) and nearly four times as many people as New York (19 million).

Another factor is likely the popularity of basketball in the state. Texas has a long history of success at the high school and college levels, and many of the state’s top players go on to have successful careers in the NBA.


Since the 1950s, Illinois has consistently been one of the top five states in terms of the number of NBA players it has produced. In recent years, it has produced more NBA players than any other state.

Some of the most successful and well-known NBA players from Illinois include Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Derrick Rose, and Anthony Davis. These four players alone have won a combined 14 NBA Championships. Other notable Illinois-born NBA players include Jerry Sloan, Isiah Thomas, and Shaquille O’Neal.

New York

New York is far and away the state with the most NBA players. There have been a total of 272 New Yorkers who have played in the NBA, which is nearly double the number of players from second-place California. In fact, more than one in 10 NBA players is from New York.

There are a few factors that contribute to New York’s dominance as an NBA player factory. First, it’s a large state with a population of nearly 20 million people. That means there are more potential NBA players to choose from. Second, basketball is extremely popular in New York City, which is home to some of the best basketball programs in the country. Finally, New York has produced some of the best basketball players in history, including legends like Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, and LeBron James.


Pennsylvania, which is also home to villanova (an elite NCAA basketball program that has produced numerous NBA players), is tied with Louisiana for the second-most NBA players per capita. There have been 84 Pennsylvania natives who have played in the NBA, which means that there is one NBA player for every 293,000 residents of the state.

The One State With The Most NBA All-Stars


Indiana has produced more NBA All-Stars than any other state, with a total of 28. Indiana is followed by California (27), New York (19), and Illinois (16). The majority of Indiana’s NBA All-Stars were born in the Indianapolis area, including such notable players as Larry Bird, Reggie Miller, and Oscar Robertson.

The State With The Most NBA Championships

It is well known that the state of California produces the most NBA players. What is less known is that the state of California also has the most NBA Championships. In this article, we will take a look at the state of California and the NBA Championships.


California has produced the most NBA players of any state, with a total of 359. This is almost double the state with the second most, Louisiana, which has produced 193 NBA players.

Interestingly, California also has the most players in the NBA Hall of Fame, with a total of 27. This is again almost double the state with the second most Hall of Famers, New York, which has 13.

There are a few reasons for California’s dominance in producing NBA players. Firstly, California is the most populous state in the country, so it stands to reason that there would be more basketball players coming out of California than any other state. Secondly, California has a longstanding tradition of producing great basketball players, dating back to the early days of the sport. And finally, California has a number of top-tier college basketball programs – UCLA, USC, and Stanford are all located in California – which helps to produce more NBA-ready talent.


In conclusion, California produces the most NBA players.

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