What States Don’t Have NFL Teams?

There are a total of 32 NFL teams, split evenly between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). But not every state has its own team. In fact, there are a few states that are without an NFL squad. Here’s a look at which states don’t have NFL teams.


Though the National Football League is one of the most popular sports leagues in the United States, there are still four states that do not have an NFL team.

The four states without an NFL team are Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Interestingly enough, these are all considered to be part of what is known as “Flyover Country.”

There are a number of reasons why these states do not have an NFL team. One reason is that these states have a relatively small population. Another reason is that these states do not have a major city.

There has been some speculation that the NFL might expand into these states in the future. However, for now, the four states without an NFL team are Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

The Fourteen States Without an NFL Team

Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico are the fourteen states without an NFL team. Interestingly enough, NFL games are regularly played in London and Mexico City.

Reasons for the Lack of an NFL Team in Certain States

One of the most popular professional sports leagues in the United States is the National Football League (NFL). Football fans across the country eagerly await the start of the season each year, and many people have their favorite teams that they root for religiously. While the NFL is widely considered to be one of the premier sports leagues in America, there are actually several states that do not have a team. This can be for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to population, market size, and ownership groups.

There are several states that have a population that is simply too small to support an NFL team. For example, Wyoming has a population of just under 600,000 people, which is not nearly enough to support an NFL franchise. Other states with small populations include Vermont, North Dakota, and Alaska. Even some larger states like Montana and Idaho do not have NFL teams.

Another reason why certain states do not have NFL teams is because they are simply not large enough markets. For example, while there are several large cities in California, the state as a whole is not considered to be a good market for an NFL team because there are already so many other professional sports teams competing for attention. Other states in this category include Oregon, Utah, and New Mexico.

Finally, some states do not have NFL teams because there are no ownership groups that are interested in bringing a team to the state. This can be for a variety of reasons, including lack of potential revenue or lack of interest from residents. Some states without NFL teams that fall into this category include Nevada, Colorado, and Arizona.


So there you have it, the nine states without NFL teams. There are several reasons why these states don’t have teams, ranging from a lack of interest to a lack of available stadiums. But who knows, maybe one day an NFL team will come to one of these states. After all, stranger things have happened.

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