What Tension for Tennis Racket is Best?

If you’re a tennis player, you know that having the right tension for your racket can make a big difference in your game. But what tension is best? Read on to find out.


Choosing the correct tennis racket tension is one of the most important factors in playing the game. If you have ever wondered what tension for tennis racket is best, then this article is for you. There are many factors that go into choosing the right tension, and we will explore all of them in this article. By the end, you should have a good idea of what tension for tennis racket is best for your game.

The Different Tensions for Tennis Rackets

If you’re a tennis player, you know that different tensions for tennis racket can make a big difference in your game. Tennis racket tension is measured in pounds and usually ranges from 40-60 pounds for recreational players. For professional players, the tension can be even higher. The tension that you choose for your racket will depend on your playing style, string type, and other factors.

Low Tension

If you are a beginner, you will want to string your racket at a low tension. This will give you more power and make it easier to hit the ball over the net. Low tension also gives you more forgiveness on off-center hits. A racket strung at a low tension will also have a larger sweet spot. The sweet spot is the area on the strings where you make contact with the ball that produces the best results.

Medium Tension

Medium tension strings are very popular among tennis players. They offer a nice balance of power and control, and they are also quite durable. This makes them a good choice for players who want to get the most out of their racket without having to worry about breaking the strings too often.

players who are just starting out or who have not played in a while may find that medium tension strings are a good place to start. This is because they offer a good amount of power and control without being too difficult to control. As you get better at the game, you can experiment with different string tensions to find the one that works best for you.

High Tension

A high tension racket can give you more control over your shots, but it can be more difficult to generate power. In general, a racket with a higher string tension will have a smaller sweet spot. This means that you need to be more precise in your shots to get the desired result. If you are a beginner, or if you are not confident in your ability to place your shots well, you may want to consider a lower string tension.

Which Tension is Best for You?

There are many factors that can affect your choice of string tension. Your skill level, playing style, and the type of racket you use are just a few examples. In this article, we’ll help you choose the best string tension for your tennis racket. We’ll also provide some tips on how to adjust your string tension.

Low Tension

How low can you go? While going too low on string tension is not ideal, as it will negatively affect power and ball control, a lower string tension can help increase the sweet spot of your racket. A sweet spot is the area of the string bed that produces the best possible combination of power and control. A smaller sweet spot can make it difficult to get consistent results with your shots. If you find yourself struggling to find the sweet spot on your racket, or if you have a small sweet spot, try going with a lower string tension.

Medium Tension

While different tensions will probably work for different players, finding the string tension that suits your individual playing style can be the key to playing your best tennis. You’ll want to consider factors such as string type, swing speed and court surface when you’re trying to find the perfect tension for your game.

If you have a fast swing, you might want to choose a higher string tension in order to get more control over your shots. If you have a slower swing, you might want to choose a lower string tension in order to get more power. If you play on a hard court, you might want to choose a higher string tension in order to reduce wear and tear on your strings. If you play on a soft court, you might want to choose a lower string tension in order to get more bounciness out of your shots.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment with different string tensions and see what works best for your game. There is no magic formula for finding the perfect tennis racket string tension, but if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you’ll eventually find a tension that suits your individual playing style.

High Tension

If you are an attack-minded player who takes a big cut at the ball and looks to end points quickly, high-tension strings may be for you. With high tension, you’ll get more power and control. The trade-off is that with less give, there is a decrease in feel and an increase in the risk of arm injury. Tensions in the 80s and 90s (pounds per square inch) are considered high.


After trying different tensions, you should have a feel for what works best for you. If you’re not sure, it’s probably best to go with a medium tension. This will give you a good blend of power and control. From there, you can experiment with different tensions to find what works best for your game.

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