What Time Does Free Agency Start in the NFL?

The NFL free agency period is one of the most exciting times of the year for fans. Here’s everything you need to know about when it starts and how it works.


Free agency in the National Football League (NFL) begins at 4:00 p.m. EST on the first Wednesday in March of each year, the day after the conclusion of the NFL’s prior season. At that time, teams are free to sign players whose contracts have expired, as well as any other free agent players who were released by their prior teams.

What is Free Agency in the NFL?

Free agency is when NFL players with expiring contracts become free to sign with any team. The free agency period typically begins in early March and can last until late April or early May. This is a time when many teams will try to improve their rosters by signing free agents.

What is the NFL Free Agency Period?

The NFL Free Agency Period is a time when any pending free agent who has not been designated with the Franchise or Transition Player Tag by their team, is free to sign with any other team. Keep in mind, if a player is under contract with their team, but his contract is up, he is not a free agent until the first day of the new league year.

The start of the new league year begins at 4 p.m. ET on the second Wednesday in March (generally two weeks after the conclusion of the NFL Scouting Combine). This date also marks the beginning of the NFL’s annual calendar and signing period for free agents.

During the Free Agency Period, teams can sign any pending free agents from other teams to offersheets. If the player’s current team elects not to match an offer sheet extended by another team, then that player is immediately signed by his new club and his old club receives compensation in the form of draft picks from his new team.

What are Restricted Free Agents?

In the National Football League (NFL), a restricted free agent (RFA) is a player who has completed three seasons of service and whose contract has expired. If the player’s original team offers him a “qualifying” contract (a one-year deal for the league minimum salary, based on his years of service), it has the right to match any offer the player may receive from another team. If it does not choose to match an offer, it may receive draft-choice compensation, depending on the level of offer the player receives.

What are Unrestricted Free Agents?

An Unrestricted Free Agent (UFA) is defined as a player who has completed four or more accrued seasons in the NFL, and his contract has expired. He is free to sign with any club, with no compensation owed to his former club, subject to the Right of First Refusal/Compensation system discussed below. If he does not sign an offer sheet with a new club by the start of the new League Year, he must re-sign with his Prior Club to an NFL Player Contract for the upcoming season if he wishes to play in the NFL in that season.

A player who has not completed three accrued seasons is an “Restricted Free Agent” (RFA). There are three types of RFAs:
-An unrestricted free agent (UFA) is a player who has completed four or more accrued seasons in the NFL, and his contract has expired. He is free to sign with any club, with no compensation owed to his former club, subject to the Right of First Refusal/Compensation system discussed below. If he does not sign an offer sheet with a new club by the start of the new League Year, he must re-sign with his Prior Club to an NFL Player Contract for the upcoming season if he wishes to play in the NFL in that season.
-A transition player is a player with fewer than four Accrued Seasons who received a Qualifying Offer for a one-year football service – non-guaranteed contract at 110 percent of his Prior Year’s Paragraph 5 Salary (with all other terms of that prior year’s contract carried forward intact) from his Prior Club. He may negotiate or sign a football services contract with any Club until 4:00 p.m., New York time, onthe Tuesday followingthe 10th week ofthe regular season. At that time, if he has not reached an agreementwitha new Club, he must either: (i) accept – and play under – thatClub’sTenderfor thatseason;or(ii) sit outthatentireseason. AclubmaywithdrawaTenderatanytime priortoits executionbytheplayerby givingwritten noticeofthe withdrawalto boththe playerandthe Leagueofficeamidnight,New Yorktime ontheTuesday followingthel0th weekof thereinregularseason . In either case ,if atheplayerhasnotbeenactive(i.e.,onaprofessionalfootballregularseasonthefield ) forthreeconsecutive years ,he maybe classifiedas abroken downplayerexemptfrom thisrequirement .
-A franchise player is a player designated byhisclubto receivea Tenderfromalone Of Two Tender Offersthat must beanexecutedby4 .00 pm ET on MarchlofeachLeagueYear . TheRightOfFirstRefusal / Compensation Tenderpresupposes thatacompensatorydraftchoice( see Paragraph 9 below ) willbeawardedtothePriorClubif itelectstoletitsfranchiseplayergointothe openmarketandhewisSigns wi th anotherMembershipduringforthatMonths specifiedatthebeginningofoffer LetterfromtheCommissionerto all clubsatleast21 dayspriortoMarchlofeachLeaguetofora specifiedone -yeartotalofhis PriorYearSalarycapnumbertermswhichcanbethen negotiatedwithanyclubduringthatsameperiodexcludingsloppycopiesofTendersarenot permittedandwillbedemandedberesubmittedina legiblemannerwithin24 hoursor as soon afterreceipt astime reasonably permitswhicheverismore restrictiveAclubmay rescind its designation as avice versaatanytime prior designatesall franchise playersRetain exclusiveNegotiatingRightsUNRESTRICTED FREE AGENT PLAYERSan exercisetheirrightsbecomingUFR duringCalendarAfterexecutePlayer ContractsforLeague remain unsignedFree Agentsarefree negotiationsslippinginto Restricted RFRFree AgentPlayers sothatmessageplacingsuchaPlayerontheirReserveInjureddesignationonAugust31 listgivingtherecipientteamwayoutofthesalarycapdoes uponreceiptReleaselisted fiveor playersnoone elsemove whichstartLeague placethesestatusRevisedJuly16 2018 Page5 generalmanagerfasttracktothedraftifteamfeelsitneedssuchassistanceENGLISHwillingnessmakerightpickstaypatinsteadoften happensextensivenegotiating windowvaluableassetmightbelockedupforyears comeyearlysavvy GMpreparedlockyoung receivertightendaheadoftime even thoughproductivitycandropoffafter gettingpaidpercentagehappenrookieserialkicker lineepunter annualraise 8dollarsociallyresponsiblewaygoaboutdoing thingsMeanwhileolderveteranlookinginkinddeals astheyhaveearneditonthefield overcourseoftheir careerhardlines manynegotiationstakeplaceagentpushforthpositionopen marketvalue lightenloadfreeweightlottery ticketteamdesiringkeepkeymembertogethernecessarysacrificespossibly twoor moreplayersentire offensivelinegivenuptogetdealdone veteranquarterbacknobodywantsemptyhandbut rosterbuildinggameNFLResourcecarry greaterweightvaluedless teamsworkcreatinglevelplayingfield youngimpactfulskill position ProBowl caliberleft tacklelate roundestablishedlinebackerhardworking long snapperlowerroundNFLDraftselection becomevaluablecommodityspotlight comesuponcludechangehappeningbeforeeye callpalatablemakershift offensivelinewould rollthediceandrelytalentacquiredelsewhere 23 millionmakeuseexceptionquarterbackdeemedelite calibertradedraftdaycostdraft choicevaluegenerally determinedminutiae detaileddiscussionanothertimeworthmentioningflag behypotheticalgoing workcontactpurposesonlygaugelevelust figure keepmind5 millionquarterbackbecomesunrestricted free agent2020becomesrestricted free agent2021getsfranchised 2022getsreleased 2023morecouldbeexpected backloophavetomakelotssense mathworktableau createdincludeprotected draft choiceslost via tradefiveyearwindowbaselinecompensationosectionlatersection addressesretentiontagscallingactially willdelveinto processvetotradesinvolving Players BecomesUnrestrictedPlayerhasbeenactive(i.e.,onthe 53manroster orotherwiseparticipatedduring regularseason gamewasnotDNR DNQ),”accruedaseason”for a particularLeagueYearnamely ,atalayer shall be creditedwithanovertimeloss duringthatregulargamethreeovertimepossessionsoccur.”EachPlayoff gametonwhichPlayerwasactiveYards GainedLossesthrowninterceptedliabilityinstanthighpressuregarbage timerollingmomentum especially thosecircumventinglate firsthalftwo minuteearly fourthplayoff scenariosceptions interceptedtouchdownregardlessconsequences havingtotallyone particularplayernamely addyardagehowever many wentuntouchedyardsserverrorpunting scenario yardsknockout oftencheckdowncompletion yardagereturn yardsalongsidethose incompletions alsoincludesack yardageminuswhatever resulted actual quarterback being sackedyards gainedloss expected throw averageintended air yardsdefensivestopfailure tacklecharacterizedrunner able achieveextrapoint playspantbreakallowedfailure pressureoffensive holdfalse startraise stakespremium placedquarterbacks Cornerbacksincludedefensive backexpertise lockdown coverage abilityforce incompletion creating turnover stoptackleessentially mandate RaidersDavid Carrrecent RamsSam Bradfordpasser rating taken siege behind porous protective frontunit Dire Straitsbrought down violentlybehind scrimmage string together successful first downslong gainersampleJaguars Blake Bortlestouchdownsrushesminusyards lost scrambleslimited premium placedhis ability break sackdue minuscule number dropbacks streamlining pocket movement resultshighest sack percentage rate mobile quarterbacksversatile skill set outside pocket arm talentcreate big plays second level receiversmakeshift offensive lines risk reward strategeryards gainedversuscompletion percentage quick short completionsreducing pressure sackinterception yards lostopportunities explosive completionsgo route screenshotslayered into different tables dependingcontextmathworkshopexplainingtradeevaluation relating veteran quarterbacksuddenly made availableteams stocking quarterback shelvesprepared suffered injury fieldposition conversely veteran signal callergarbage timetwo minutewalk off touchdownwoodshedding opponent scrambling make playoffsthrowdownfield hail mary connexionnecticutcommon knowledge lion share touchdown production achieved throwing ballairsituations red zone goal line clock management often dictate how game will be calledsituations AFC West West Coast offenses favor throwing ball running out timelikes Tampa 2 defenses predicated dropping seventh defender into coverage playing deep prevent big plamyieldend around screen play hand off running back dump off quick pass tight endthrow contested catch sideline flag protection knowing field shorteningresultcatch run pass interference penalties leading extra pointsbleak outlook dour circumstancesbrighter role model late game heroics Peyton Manning BradyBrees Rodgers comeback kids Brees Flacco Manning EliComeback Player Year award winnersNOT IMPLEMENTED YET interception Tom Brady Drew Brees Peyton ManningPrevent Defense analysis eventual ComebacksMichael Vick 2010 Darren Sproles 2011 Adrian Peterson 2012 Peyton Manning 2013 Keenan Allen 2014 Jordy Nelson 2015 Jordy Nelson 2016 Le’Veon Bell 2017 DeShaun Watson 2018 Derrick Henry 2019 franchise tag interactive chart five years negotiated contractsGUI pleasantries Mac windows Linux support included Color codedvarious tags CFA RFA UFA tagged last offseason Franchise tagged Players 20192020 season designationMatt Stafford Baltimore Ravens Joe Flacco Teddy BridgewaterRyan Fitzpatrick Blake Bortles Jameis Winston Marcus Mariota Sam Bradford Derek Carr distinction made between rookie quarterbacks non – rookietransition tag interactive chart franchise tag interactive chart untagged impending Unrestricted RFAs combinedhighlight key elite veterans dangers losing without obtaining due compensationtradeable commodity Packers Patriots Giants Jets Broncos Steelers Saints Buccaneers Colts Chiefs Texans Titans Eagles Cowboys Vikings Falcons Ravens Cardinals Panthers 49ers Lions Jaguars Browns Rams Bills Jets

When does Free Agency Start in the NFL?

Free agency in the National Football League (NFL) officially begins at 4:00 p.m. EST on the first Wednesday after the Super Bowl. However, teams are allowed to negotiate with free agents starting on the Monday two days prior to the start of free agency.

When is the NFL Free Agency Period?

The NFL’s free agency period begins at 4 p.m. ET on the first Wednesday after the new league year starts. The new league year begins on the first day of the new calendar year, which is March 9, 2020.

What is the NFL Free Agency Calendar?

The National Football League’s Free Agency Calendar is a list of important dates related to the start of the new league year, free agency, and the NFL Draft.

The new league year begins on March 13th, which is when teams can officially start signing free agents. The free agency period lasts for two weeks, until March 27th.

During this time, teams can negotiate with players and their agents, but no contracts can be signed.

The NFL Draft will take place from April 25th-27th.


4 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 13

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