What Time Does the NBA Season Start?

The 2019-2020 NBA regular season starts on October 22, 2019.

When does the NBA season start?

The regular season for the 2019-2020 NBA season begins on Tuesday, October 22, 2019.

What time does the NBA season start?

The regular NBA season typically starts in the last week of October and runs through mid-April, with a brief break in February for the All-Star Game. The playoffs begin in late April and can last into early June.

Why does the NBA season start?

The NBA season starts in October because that is when training camp opens. Training camp is when players report to their teams to begin practicing for the upcoming season. The NBA season typically starts the first week of October and runs through April. The playoffs start in April and the Finals end in June.

The NBA season start date is not always the same each year, but it usually falls on a Tuesday or Wednesday in early October. The reason for this is because the NBA wants to avoid conflict with other major sports leagues like the MLB and NFL, which both have their seasons ending in late September/early October.

Starting the season in October also allows the NBA to have their Playoffs conclude before Memorial Day weekend. This is important because Memorial Day weekend is considered by many to be the unofficial start of summer, and it would not make sense for the NBA Finals to be going on while everyone is out enjoying their summer vacations.

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