What Time Does The Game Come On Tonight?

Wondering what time your favorite team is playing tonight? Check out our comprehensive list of game times for all major league teams.


Many people have trouble keeping track of what time their favorite team is playing. This can be especially difficult if you are trying to find out what time the game comes on tonight. Here is a helpful guide that will give you all the information you need to know about when your team is playing.

The History of Time

Time is a measure of duration, a measure of the interval between two instants of perceptions, usually of events. In common usage, time is often referred to as the fourth dimension, along with three spatial dimensions.

The scientific study of time is called chronology. Time has been a major subject of religious and philosophical discussion from prehistoric times to the present day. It has also been studied in the applied fields of physics, psychology, sociology, archaeology and astronomy. Dating techniques have been devised to measure time in these various scientific fields.

The Importance of Time

The importance of time cannot be understated. It is a precious commodity that we should all use wisely. Whether you are watching a game, working on a project, or spending time with family and friends, it is important to make the most of your time.

Unfortunately, time is also a limited resource. There are only so many hours in the day, and we can never get back lost time. That is why it is so important to use our time wisely.

When you are trying to decide how to spend your time, it is important to consider the importance of the task at hand. If you are watching a game, for example, you may want to consider whether the game is important to you or not. If it is not an important game, you may want to reconsider spending your time on something else.

However, even if the game is important to you, it is still important to consider how much time you have and whether there are other things that you could be doing with that time. If you only have an hour to watch the game, for example, you may want to consider doing something else with that hour instead.

In general, it is always important to consider how you are spending your time and whether there are better ways to spend it. Time is a precious commodity that we should all use wisely.

How to Tell Time

Assuming you want to know how to tell time:

Telling time is a skill that is usually learned in elementary school. There are several different ways to tell time, and the most common way is to use a clock. There are three main parts to a clock – the hour hand, the minute hand, and the second hand.

The hour hand tells you the hour, the minute hand tells you the minutes, and the second hand tells you the seconds. To tell time, you need to know how fast each hand moves. The second hand moves the fastest, followed by the minute hand, and then finally the hour hand.

Here’s an example of how to read a clock:

It’s currently 8:15. The hour hand is pointing to 8 and the minute hand is pointing to 15. This means that it is fifteen minutes past eight o’clock.

How to Use a Clock

In order to tell time, you will need to be able to identify the numbers on a clock face and understand how they relate to hours, minutes, and seconds. The outer ring of a clock face is divided into 60 equal wedges, each representing one minute. The long hand (or minute hand) points to the current minute, while the short hand (or hour hand) points to the current hour. The second hand may be either long or short, and points to the current second.

To read a clock, start by finding the hour hand and note which number it is pointing to. For example, if the hour hand is pointing to the number 5, it is 5 o’clock. If the hour hand is pointing between two numbers, it is said to be “x:30”, such as “5:30”. Next, find the minute hand and note which number it is pointing to. For example, if the minute hand is pointing to the number 12, it is 12 minutes past the hour (5:12). Finally, find the second hand and note which number it is pointing to. For example, if the second hand is pointing to the number 30, it is 30 seconds past the minute (5:12:30).


The game will come on tonight at 8:00 pm EST.

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