What To Wear To A NBA Game?

You’re finally going to see your favorite team play live and you want to make sure you’re looking good. Check out our guide on what to wear to a NBA game.


Planning on going to a NBA game? Then you’ll need to know what kind of clothes to wear! In this guide, we’ll go over what kind of clothes are appropriate for both men and women to wear to a NBA game. We’ll also touch on a few items that you should avoid wearing, as well as what sorts of things you can bring into the arena with you. After reading this guide, you’ll be sure to dress your best for your next NBA game!

What to Wear If You’re a Fan of the Home Team

If you’re a fan of the home team, you’ll want to wear team colors. Wearing your team’s colors is a way to show your support for the team. You may want to consider wearing a jersey or t-shirt with your team’s name or logo. You could also paint your face with your team’s colors. If you’re not sure what colors to wear, check out the team’s website or ask someone who is a fan of the team.

What to Wear If You’re a Fan of the Away Team

nervous about what to wear. You want to support your team, but you don’t want to get too crazy and stand out like a sore thumb.
If you’re a fan of the away team, there are still plenty of ways that you can show your support without being too over-the-top. Here are a few ideas of what to wear to a NBA game if you’re rooting for the away team.

-Wear a button-down shirt or jersey of your team’s colors. If you don’t have any gear specifically from your team, wearing their colors is the next best thing. Choose a top in one of your team’s colors and pair it with something neutral like jeans or khakis.

-Accessorize with gear from your team. If you have any hats, socks, or other gear with your team’s logo on it, now is the time to break it out. Wearing a few pieces of gear will help you show your support without being too overbearing.

-Rep your team in a more subtle way. If you’re not comfortable wearing a lot of gear or clothes in your team’s colors, there are still plenty of ways to show your support. Get a manicure or pedicure in your team’s colors, or style your hair in their colors. You can also carry around a small purse or wallet in their colors.

What to Wear If You’re a Neutral Fan

If you’re a casual fan or just attending a game to experience the atmosphere, you’ll want to dress in neutrals. Wearing a jersey of either team would be a major faux pas as a neutral fan. You also don’t want to draw too much attention to yourself by wearing bright colors. Instead, opt for clothing in classic colors like black, white, gray, or navy blue.


Assuming you want to dress to impress, but also be comfortable, we would recommend going with dark jeans, a nice shirt, and closed-toe shoes. A jacket may also be a good idea, depending on the weather and the arena’s temperature.

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