What Was The Fastest Baseball Pitch Ever Thrown?

What was the fastest baseball pitch ever thrown? That’s a question that has been debated for years. Some say it was Nolan Ryan’s 100 mph fastball, while others claim it was Aroldis Chapman’s 105 mph pitch.

The truth is, we may never know for sure. What we do know is that both of these pitchers were able to throw some serious heat. If you’re a fan of fastballs, then you’ll want to check out this blog post. We


In baseball, the pitcher is the player who throws the ball to the catcher who then tries to hit it. Pitchers can throw the ball with different speeds and at different angles. The fastest baseball pitch ever recorded was clocked at 105.1 miles per hour!

Aroldis Chapman’s Fastest Pitch

On September 24, 2010, Cincinnati Reds left-handed relief pitcher Aroldis Chapman threw the fastest recorded pitch in major league history. The pitch was clocked at 105.1 miles per hour (169.1 kilometers per hour) by PITCHf/x, a system used by Major League Baseball to measure the speed and break of pitches. Chapman’s previous fastest pitch had been 103.9 miles per hour (167.4 kilometers per hour), which he threw on September 7, 2010.

Nolan Ryan’s Fastest Pitch

In 1974, Nolan Ryan set the record for the fastest baseball pitch ever thrown. His fastball was clocked at 100.9 miles per hour. This record has stood for over 40 years and is unlikely to be broken any time soon.

Joel Zumaya’s Fastest Pitch

Joel Zumaya’s 106 mph fastball against the Minnesota Twins on September 7, 2006 is the fastest pitch ever recorded in Major League Baseball. The average major league fastball is around 93 mph.


The answer to the question “what was the fastest baseball pitch ever thrown” is difficult to determine definitively. The record for the fastest recorded pitch is held by Aroldis Chapman, who threw a 105.1 mph fastball in 2010. However, there have been unconfirmed reports of faster pitches being thrown, including a 107 mph pitch thrown by Nolan Ryan in 1974. Ultimately, the answer to this question may never be known for sure.

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