What Was the First NFL Game Ever?

The first NFL game was held on October 3, 1920 between the Rock Island Independents and the Chicago Cardinals.


The first professional American football game was played on November 12, 1892, between the Allegheny Athletic Association and the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. The game was played in Pittsburgh and Allegheny won by a score of 32-0.

The first NFL game

The first NFL game was played on October 3, 1920, between the Dayton Triangles and the Columbus Panhandles in Dayton, Ohio. The Triangles won 14-0.

The teams that played in the first NFL game

The first NFL game was played on October 3, 1920, between the Allegheny Athletic Association and the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. The game was played at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh and ended in a 0-0 tie.

The players that played in the first NFL game

The first NFL game was on October 3, 1920. The teams that played in the game were the Dayton Triangles and the Columbus Panhandles. There were only 14 players on each team. The Triangles won the game 14-0.

The outcome of the first NFL game

On November 22, 1920, the American Professional Football Association (later renamed the National Football League) was founded in Canton, Ohio. The first league game took place on October 3, 1920, when the Rock Island Independents defeated the Saint Paul Ideals 48-0.

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