What Was The Most Lopsided NFL Game?

The most lopsided NFL game ever was the 1973 Thanksgiving Day massacre, when the Miami Dolphins beat the New York Jets 42-0.


In football, the term “blowout” is used to describe a very lopsided game. A blowout can occur when one team decisively defeats another team by a wide margin. The margin of victory doesn’t necessarily have to be large for a game to be considered a blowout. For example, a 21-0 victory would be considered a blowout, as would a 56-10 victory.

There have been many blowouts in NFL history, but some stand out more than others. In this article, we’ll take a look at the most lopsided NFL games of all time.

The Most Lopsided NFL Game

The most lopsided game in NFL history happened on December 8, 1940, when the Chicago Bears beat the Washington Redskins 73-0. The Bears won all three phases of the game: offense, defense, and special teams. They gained a total of 643 yards while the Redskins only gained 36. The Bears also had seven turnovers while the Redskins had none.

The New York Jets vs. The Baltimore Colts

On December 16, 2007, the New York Jets beat the Baltimore Colts by a score of 44-7, making it the most lopsided NFL game in terms of point differential. This was also the Jets’ first victory against the Colts since 1985. The game was so one-sided that even though the Colts had won their previous game against the then-undefeated New England Patriots, they were still booed by their own fans during this game.

The San Francisco 49ers vs. The Los Angeles Rams

In 1989, the San Francisco 49ers completely dominated the Los Angeles Rams. The final score was 52-14, and the 49ers outgained the Rams 598-194. The game was so one-sided that Rams quarterback Jim Everett was benched in favor of Steve Dils in the fourth quarter.

The New England Patriots vs. The Miami Dolphins

On December 27, 2009, the New England Patriots defeated the Miami Dolphins 41-14. It was the most lopsided game in NFL history, with the Patriots winning by 27 points. The Patriots also set the record for most points scored in a single game, with 41.


The most lopsided NFL game ever was the 1940 NFL Championship game between the Chicago Bears and the Washington Redskins. The Bears won 73-0!

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