What Was The Result Of The Tennis Court Oath?

The Tennis Court Oath (French: Serment du Jeu de Paume) was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate who were locked out of a meeting of the Estates-General on 20 June 1789.

What Was The Result Of The Tennis Court Oath?

The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members of the Third Estate

on June 20, 1789 in the National Assembly in Versailles, France. It was a pledge to continue meeting until constitutional reforms were made. It helped to grow the French Revolution and establish the National Assembly.

The Oath was a direct response to the King’s refusal to recognize the National Assembly

In 1789, the newly-formed National Assembly was forced to take the Tennis Court Oath (Serment du Jeu de Paume) when the King locked them out of a planned meeting at an indoor tennis court. The Oath was a direct response to the King’s refusal to recognize the National Assembly, and it pledged the members’ loyalty to one another and to the nation. It also served as a show of solidarity against the monarchy. The result of the Tennis Court Oath was that it helped to unify the various factions in France, and it set in motion the events that would eventually lead to the French Revolution.

The Tennis Court Oath helped to solidify the power of the National Assembly and set the stage for the French Revolution

The Tennis Court Oath (Serment du Jeu de Paume) was a key event during the early days of the French Revolution. On June 20, 1789, a group of deputies from the Third Estate (the commoners and peasants of France) met at the Jeu de Paume, an indoor tennis court in Versailles, in an attempt to force King Louis XVI to give them a voice in government.

After being locked out of their meeting place, the deputies moved to an adjacent tennis court, where they took an oath not to leave until they had drawn up a new constitution for France. The symbolic importance of the Tennis Court Oath lies in its affirmation of popular sovereignty: the belief that the people have a right to overthrow an unjust government.

The Tennis Court Oath helped to solidify the power of the National Assembly and set the stage for the French Revolution. It also inspired similar uprisings across Europe and North America, leading to the subsequent rise of democracy.

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