What’s a Good OPS in Baseball?

A look at what a good OPS in baseball is and how it can be used to measure a player’s offensive production.


In baseball, OPS is a measure of a player’s on-base ability and power. It stands for on-base plus slugging, and it gives a good indication of a player’s ability to get on base and hit for power.

There are a few different ways to calculate OPS, but the most common way is to add a player’s on-base percentage and their slugging percentage. The formula looks like this:

OPS = On-Base Percentage + Slugging Percentage

For example, if a player has a .300 batting average and a .400 on-base percentage, their OPS would be .700. If they also had a .500 slugging percentage, their OPS would be 1.200.

OPS is generally considered to be a good measure of a player’s overall offensive ability. A high OPS means that the player is good at getting on base and hitting for power, while a low OPS indicates that the player is struggling in one or both areas.

What is OPS?

OPS is a baseball metric that stands for “on-base plus slugging.” It’s a simple way to measure a hitter’s ability to reach base and hit for power.

OPS combines two separate, but important, aspects of hitting: on-base percentage (OBP) and slugging percentage (SLG). On-base percentage measures how often a hitter reaches base, while slugging percentage measures the hitter’s raw power.

To calculate OPS, simply add a player’s on-base percentage and slugging percentage together. For example, if a player has an OBP of .350 and a SLG of .500, his OPS would be .850.

OPS is generally considered to be a better measure of hitting ability than either OBP or SLG alone. This is because it encompasses both the ability to reach base and hit for power, two important aspects of offensive production.

There is no magic number for what constitutes a good OPS, as it will vary depending on the league context. However, in general, an OPS above .800 is considered very good, while an OPS below .700 is considered below average.

So, what’s a good OPS in baseball? It depends on the context, but in general, an OPS above .800 is considered very good while an OPS below .700 is considered below average.

What is a good OPS in baseball?

OPS+ is a baseball metric calculaed by adding a player’s on-base percentage and slugging percentage and dividing by the league average. OPS+ is then adjusted for the ballpark in which the player hit. … A player with a 130 OPS+ means that he created 30% more runs than a league average hitter would have in the same number of plate appearances.

How is OPS calculated?

OPERATIONS PER SEASON (OPS) is a sabermetric baseball statistic calculated as the sum of a player’s on-base percentage and their slugging percentage. The formula is: OPS = OBP + SLG

While OPS does not include all aspects of a player’s offensive game, it is a useful tool for comparing players because it attempts to measure a hitter’s ability to reach base and hit for power.

There are two ways to calculate OPS. The first method is to use the player’s batting average, on-base percentage, and slugging percentage. The second method is to use the player’s home run total, walks, and hit by pitch totals.

To calculate OPS using batting average, on-base percentage, and slugging percentage, the formula is: OPS = (OBP x 1.8) + SLG

To calculate OPS using home run total, walks, and hit by pitch totals, the formula is: OPS = ((HR + BB + HBP) / AB) + SLG

What is the difference between OPS and other hitting statistics?

The difference between OPS and other hitting statistics is that OPS includes both on-base percentage and slugging percentage. OPS is a good way to measure a player’s overall offensive ability. Other hitting statistics, such as batting average, only measure a player’s ability to get base hits.

What is the history of OPS in baseball?

The history of OPS in baseball can be traced back to 1869, when the first professional baseball team, the Cincinnati Reds, were formed. The team’s star player, Harry Wright, is credited with inventing the stat. He came up with the idea of dividing a player’s total bases by their number of plate appearances to come up with a number that would better reflect a player’s overall offensive ability.

While OPS was not an official stat until 1984, it has been used by sabermetricians and baseball analysts for decades to evaluate players. It is now one of the most important stats in baseball, as it provides a good indication of a player’s ability to get on base and hit for power.

There are two components to OPS – on-base percentage (OBP) and slugging percentage (SLG). OBP is simply the percentage of times a batter reaches base (via hit, walk, or hit-by-pitch), while SLG is the amount of total bases a batter earns per at-bat (hits + walks + hit-by-pitches + home runs). To calculate OPS, you simply add OBP and SLG together.

OPS is a good way to compare players across different positions. For instance, shortstops tend to have lower OPS numbers than first basemen because they don’t come to the plate as often with runners in scoring position. However, this doesn’t mean that shortstops are automatically worse hitters than first basemen – it just means that they have different roles within their team’s offense.

Generally speaking, an OPS above .800 is considered good, .900 is great, and anything over 1.000 is elite. The highest OPS ever recorded in a season belongs to Babe Ruth, who had an OPS of 1.381 in 1920. The current active leader is Mike Trout, who has an OPS of 1.083 through 2019.

How has OPS been used in baseball?

Operations per second (OPS) is a measurement used in baseball to evaluate a player’s ability to get on base and hit for power. OPS combines a player’s on-base percentage (OBP) and slugging percentage (SLG) to create one number that, theoretically, should be able to tell you everything you need to know about a hitter’s skill set.

OPS has been used in baseball for a long time, but it has gained more popularity in recent years as people have become more numbers-focused in their analysis of the game. Many baseball fans and analysts now believe that OPS is the best way to measure a hitter’s overall value, as it takes into account both getting on base and hitting for power.

That said, there are still some people who prefer other measurements, such as wRC+ (weighted runs created plus), which also attempts to measure a hitter’s overall value. And there are also those who believe that no one number can ever fully capture a player’s ability, so they prefer to look at a variety of different statistics.

At the end of the day, it’s up to each individual to decide which measurement they think is best. But there’s no doubt that OPS is one of the most popular ways to evaluate hitters in baseball today.

What are the benefits of using OPS?

OPS+ is a baseball statistical measure that compares a hitter’s on-base percentage and slugging percentage to the league average.OPS+ is a batted ball statistic scaled so that 100 equals league average, and every point above or below 100 is a percentage point above or below league average. So, if a player has an OPS+ of 120, that means his OPS is 20% better than the league average. Likewise, if a player has an OPS+ of 80, that means his OPS is 20% worse than average.

What are the criticisms of using OPS?

OPPonent OPS is a good metric, but it is often criticized for not being a true measure of a player’s value. OPS only measures a player’s ability to get on base and hit for power, but it doesn’t take into account other important factors such as speed, defense, and base-running. Additionally, OPS can be inflated by factors such as playing in a hitter-friendly ballpark or being part of a strong lineup.


In general, a good OPS in baseball is considered to be anything above .800. This is because an OPS of .800 or higher is generally indicative of a player who is capable of getting on base and hitting for power on a consistent basis. While there are always exceptions to the rule, an OPS of .800 or higher is generally considered to be very good.

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