What’s a Tennis Bracelet?

A tennis bracelet is a type of bracelet that is usually made with diamonds. It gets its name from the fact that it was first popularized by tennis players.


A tennis bracelet is a bracelet made of diamonds or other precious stones. It is usually worn by women during tennis matches. The term “tennis bracelet” was first used in 1987, when tennis player Chris Evert lost her diamond bracelet during a match.

What is a Tennis Bracelet?

A tennis bracelet is a bracelet that is usually made of diamonds or other precious stones. The name comes from the fact that it is often worn by tennis players, who need to be able to remove the bracelet quickly if it gets caught on their clothing.

Tennis bracelets are usually quite thin, so that they do not get in the way when the wearer is playing tennis. They are also usually made with a clasp that can be opened and closed quickly, so that the bracelet can be taken off and put back on without too much effort.

While tennis bracelets are sometimes given as gifts to professional tennis players, they are also popular fashion accessories, and many women who do not play tennis wear them as well.

The History of the Tennis Bracelet

While the tennis bracelet today is a staple in many women’s jewelry collections, it wasn’t always so popular. In fact, the tennis bracelet only gained widespread popularity in the late 1980s after a very famous incident.

It all started at the 1987 U.S. Open tennis tournament. Legend has it that during a match, world-renowned tennis player Chris Evert lost her diamond bracelet. She was so upset that she stopped the match to look for it, but unfortunately, it was never found.

The incident made headlines around the world, and soon everyone wanted a diamond bracelet just like Chris Evert’s. Jewelry designers began creating delicate diamond bracelets that could be worn on the wrist, and the tennis bracelet was born.

Today, tennis bracelets are available in a wide range of styles, from simple and elegant to glamorous and over-the-top. Whether you’re looking for a classic piece or something with a modern twist, there’s sure to be a tennis bracelet that’s perfect for you.

How to Wear a Tennis Bracelet

While a tennis bracelet can be a versatile and elegant piece of jewelry, it’s important to know how to wear it properly. Here are a few tips:

-Wear your tennis bracelet on your non-dominant hand. This way, you’ll be less likely to fiddle with it or play with it throughout the day.

-Choose a bracelet that is comfortable and not too tight. You should be able to move your wrist freely without the bracelet cutting into your skin.

-Avoid wearing your tennis bracelet while participating in activities that could damage it, such as gardening or cooking.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your tennis bracelet will stay looking beautiful for many years to come!

How to Care for a Tennis Bracelet

A tennis bracelet is a fine jewelry bracelet that consists of numerous small diamonds or gemstones set closely together in a linear design. It gets its name from the fact that it is often worn by tennis players, who need to be able to move their wrists freely while playing without compromising the security of the bracelet. A tennis bracelet typically fastens with a clasp that has a safety catch to prevent accidental loss.

Because tennis bracelets are made with small, delicate stones, they require special care in order to keep them looking their best. Here are some tips on how to care for your tennis bracelet:

– Store your bracelet in a soft cloth pouch or jewelry box when you’re not wearing it. This will help protect the stones from getting scratched or chipped.
– Don’t wear your bracelet while doing rough activities like gardening or housework. The jarring motions can loosen the stones from their settings.
– Clean your bracelet regularly with a soft polishing cloth to remove dirt and oil build-up. You can also use a mild jewellery cleaner ( specific for gold, silver or platinum) if necessary. Be sure to rinse the cleaner off completely and dry your bracelet thoroughly before storing it away.
– Have your bracelet professionally inspected and cleaned at least once a year by a jeweller to ensure that the stones are secure in their settings and that there is no damage.


A tennis bracelet is a bracelet that is worn by both men and women. It is usually made of diamonds or other precious stones. The name “tennis bracelet” comes from the fact that it was first popularized by tennis players in the early twentieth century. Today, tennis bracelets are still worn by many people, both on and off the court.

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