What’s the Bottom Barrier in WWE?

Do you ever wonder what the bottom barrier is in WWE? Well, wonder no more! In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what the bottom barrier is and how it affects WWE Superstars.


In professional wrestling, the bottom rope is the rope which runs between the ring posts and is parallel to the top rope. It is also sometimes referred to as the “outer ring rope”. The bottom rope is used as a support cable for the top rope, and both ropes are often taped together to keep them from shifting.

The bottom rope is also sometimes used in matches as a way to escape the ring, by ducking under it. This is commonly seen in Royal Rumbles and Battle Royals, where wrestlers who have been thrown over the top rope can continue in the match by touching the floor outside of the ring; however, if they touch any other part of their body on the way out (such as the apron or guardrail), they are eliminated.

The Bottom Barrier in WWE

The bottom barrier in WWE is the point where a wrestler no longer receives pushes or opportunities and is relegated to preliminary roles. This can be a result of backstage politics, poor performance, or backstage heat. Whatever the reason, once a wrestler reaches the bottom barrier, their career in WWE is effectively over.

The Bottom Barrier in WWE is the lack of competition

The Bottom Barrier in WWE is the lack of competition. There are only a handful of wrestlers who can consistently put on good matches, and even fewer who can consistently main event shows. As a result, the company relies heavily on part-timers and old-timers to sell tickets and draw in viewers.

The Bottom Barrier in WWE is the lack of innovation

In WWE, the “bottom barrier” is the lack of innovation. The company has been stuck in a rut for years, relying on the same old formula of matches and storylines. This has led to a decline in viewership and interest in the product.

WWE needs to find a way to break out of this rut and reinvigorate its product. One way to do this would be to take more risks with its booking. This could mean booking more unpredictable matches, or going outside the box with its storylines. WWE needs to start taking risks if it wants to get back on top.


In conclusion, the bottom barrier in WWE is the lack of competition. There are too many dominant forces at the top that make it difficult for new stars to break through. The company needs to focus on developing new talent and giving them a chance to shine. Otherwise, WWE will continue to struggle to find its next big star.

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