What’s the Longest Field Goal Kick in the NFL?

In this post, we’ll take a look at the longest field goal kick in NFL history. We’ll also provide some tips on how you can improve your own kicking game.


In American football, the longest field goal kick is 79 yards, which was achieved by Matt Prater of the Denver Broncos in 2013. The record was previously held by Tom Dempsey, who kicked a 63-yard field goal for the New Orleans Saints in 1970.

The longest field goal in NFL history

63 yards is the longest field goal ever kicked in an NFL game. The record was set by Matt Prater of the Denver Broncos on December 8, 2013. Prater’s kick came in the first quarter of a game against the Tennessee Titans.

The current record holder

The current record holder for the longest field goal in the NFL is Matt Prater, who kicked a 64-yard field goal for the Denver Broncos in 2013.

How the record has been broken over time

In the NFL, the longest field goal ever made was 64 yards, by Matt Prater of the Denver Broncos.

The record for the longest field goal in NFL history has been set and broken several times over the years. Here’s a look at how the record has changed:

1960-1969: The longest field goal in this decade was 63 yards, set by Tom Dempsey of the New Orleans Saints in 1970.

1970-1979: In this decade, the record was set twice. First, it was broken by Mark Moseley of the Washington Redskins, with a 62-yarder in 1975. Then, in 1977, Red Badgro of the New York Jets kicked a 63-yarder.

1980-1989: This decade saw four different players share the record for longest field goal. In 1982, Tony Zendejas of the Los Angeles Rams kicked a 63-yarder. In 1985, Morten Andersen of the New Orleans Saints kicked a 62-yarder. In 1988, Al Del Greco of the Houston Oilers kicked a 63-yarder. And finally, in 1989, Jason Elam of the Denver Broncos kicked a 63-yarder.

1990-1999: In 1998, Gary Anderson of the Minnesota Vikings kicked a 62-yard field goal to tie Mark Moseley’s1975 NFL record. The following year, Andersen broke his own tie with Zendejas by kicking a 64-yard field goal against Miami Dolphins. This remainedNFL’s longest field goal until…

2000s: …In 2018, Matt Prater of Denver Broncos broke Andersen’s 20 year old record by kicking a 64 yard field goal against Tennessee Titans

The benefits of kicking a long field goal

Many people may not realize the benefits of kicking a long field goal, but there are actually several. First, it can be a great way to get points on the board quickly. This can be important in a close game where every point counts. Second, it can be a momentum booster for your team. A long field goal can give your team a boost of confidence and help them take control of the game. Finally, it can also be a way to put pressure on the opposing team. If you kick a long field goal early in the game, the other team may feel like they have to score more points to keep up.

The techniques used to kick a long field goal

There are two techniques used to kick a long field goal: the dropkick and the placekick.

The dropkick is the older of the two techniques and was once used for all field goal attempts, but is now only used for very short kicks, typically under 40 yards. The ball is held on a tee or on the ground, and the kicker drops it and kicks it as it bounces up. This gives the ball more spin and makes it easier to control, but makes it harder to kick long distances.

The placekick is now used for all field goal attempts over 40 yards. The ball is placed on a tee or on the ground, and the kicker kicks it without dropping it. This makes it harder to control, but gives it more power for longer distances.

both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s up to each kicker to decide which one to use.

The training required to kick a long field goal

You might not think that kicking a football is all that physically demanding, but professional placekickers put in a lot of training to make those long field goals. conditioning their bodies to deliver the perfect kick requires a lot of work and dedication.

Here’s a closer look at what it takes to kick a long field goal in the NFL:

The first thing you need is a strong leg. Placekickers need to be able to generate a lot of power to make those long kicks, so they spend a lot of time working on their leg strength. They’ll do things like sprints, weightlifting, and plyometrics (jumping exercises) to build up their leg muscles.

Kickers also need excellent technique. They need to be able to transfer all of that leg strength into their kicking motion, and they need to be able to do it quickly and efficiently. They spend hours working on their kicking form, practicing again and again until they have it perfected.

Finally, placekickers need mental toughness. Kicking a long field goal is as much about mindset as it is about physical ability. Kicking is all about confidence – if you don’t believe you can make the kick, you’re not going to be successful. So part of a kicker’s training is learning how to keep their cool under pressure and believing in themselves even when the odds seem insurmountable.

The importance of practice

Kicking a field goal in an NFL game is one of the most difficult things to do in all of sports. But it’s also one of the most important, as a successful field goal can be the difference between winning and losing.

So, how do you become a great NFL kicker? It all starts with practice.

All kicking specialists, whether they’re in the NFL or not, will tell you that practice is key. The more you kick, the better you’ll get.

But kicking isn’t just about practicing your technique. It’s also about having the right mindset.

When you’re out on the field practicing your kicks, it’s important to stay calm and focused. You can’t let your mind wander or else you won’t be able to make your kicks when it counts.

It’s also important to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. If you don’t believe that you can make a kick, then there’s no way you’ll be able to do it when it matters most.

So if you want to become a great NFL kicker, remember that it all starts with practice. Get out there and start kicking as often as you can, and pretty soon you’ll be nailing field goals like a pro!

The role of the holder

The football holder is a specialized position in gridiron football. The holder is the offensive player who receives the snap from the long snapper during field goal or extra point attempts.

Holders typically wear gloves to help secure the football, and because the surface of a regulation football can be very slippery. Although holders generally do not throw passes or run with the football, some holders have been known to execute fake field goal plays by throwing a pass or running with the ball after receiving the snap.

The holder position is usually occupied by either the team’s punter or backup quarterback. In some cases, other offensive players such as wide receivers or running backs may serve as holders.

The importance of the snap

Without a good snap, the longest field goal attempt in the NFL would be for naught. The center is responsible for making sure the ball reaches the holder in the right spot and with the right spin. If the snap is too low or too high, or if it doesn’t have enough spin, it will be more difficult for the holder to place the ball correctly for the kicker.

The importance of the wind

While many people think that the longest field goal kick in NFL history was made with no wind, that’s not actually the case.

In fact, the longest field goal kick in NFL history was made with a tailwind.

The key to kicking a long field goal is to have the wind at your back, which gives you an extra boost.

Of course, you also need a strong leg to make a long field goal, but the wind can help you get there.

The importance of the weather

Most people don’t think about the weather when it comes to kicking a field goal, but kickoff specialists and field goal kickers know that the right weather conditions can make all the difference. The fact is, wind speeds can have a significant impact on how far a football travels through the air.

Field goal kicking is all about accuracy, and even a slight breeze can make the ball veer off course. When the wind picks up, it can be nearly impossible to predict where the ball will end up. That’s why most NFL kickers avoid kicking in gusty conditions if they can help it.

So, what’s the longest field goal kick in NFL history? It’s 65 yards, and it was made by Matt Prater of the Denver Broncos in 2013. The conditions were nearly perfect that day — there was no wind and the temperature was a comfortable 59 degrees Fahrenheit.

The importance of the field

The field goal is one of the most important plays in football. It can be the difference between winning and losing a game. A successful field goal is worth three points, so kickers are always trying to make longer and longer kicks.

The longest field goal in NFL history was made by Matt Prater of the Denver Broncos in 2013. He kicked a 64-yard field goal against the Tennessee Titans. The previous record was 63 yards, set by Tom Dempsey of the New Orleans Saints in 1970.

The importance of the fans

The fans are a big part of what makes the NFL so great. They provide the energy and excitement that make the games so fun to watch. Without the fans, the NFL would be just another boring sport.

The fans also play a big role in determining the outcome of games. The home team always has a big advantage because the fans are cheering for them and trying to distract the opposing team. This can be a big factor in close games.

So, if you’re a fan of the NFL, remember that you play an important role in making it the great game that it is.

The importance of the team

The importance of the team cannot be understated. A good team will have a significant impact on the game and can make all the difference in the outcome.

The importance of the coach

The head coach is the face of the team. He is responsible for the team’s success or failure. He is the one who makes the decisions on who will play and who will not play. He is also responsible for the team’s strategy and game plan. The head coach is the most important person in the organization.

The importance of the game

Field goals are the most important part of football and the reason why there is a point system. A touchdown is worth six points, but a field goal is only worth three. A successful field goal means that the team was able to score while being stopped by the defense, which is why it’s worth more points. The importance of the game also comes from the fact that it can be the difference between winning and losing.

The longest field goal in NFL history was kicked by Matt Prater in 2013. The kick was 64 yards long, which is amazing considering the average field goal is only around 40 yards. This kick helped his team, the Denver Broncos, win the game against the Tennessee Titans.

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