What’s the Most Penalties in an NFL Game?

The most penalties in an NFL game were 22, which occurred in the game between the Chicago Bears and the Baltimore Ravens on November 17, 1996.


In 1932, the Chicago Bears and the Portsmouth Spartans played what was, at the time, the most penalty-filled game in NFL history. The teams combined for 36 penalties, which is still the record for most penalties in a single game.

The Most Penalties in an NFL Game

The most penalties in an NFL game were 22, which occurred in the New Orleans Saints’ victory over the Atlanta Falcons on December 28, 2014.

The Most Penalties in an NFL Game by Team

The Oakland Raiders hold the dubious distinction of having the most penalties in an NFL game, with 23 penalties for 200 yards in a losses to the New England Patriots on September 21, 2014.

The second most penalized team is the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, with 22 penalties for 197 yards in a game against the Detroit Lions on December 5, 2010.

The third most penalized team is the Miami Dolphins, with 21 penalties for 195 yards in a game against the Buffalo Bills on December 30, 2012.

The Most Penalties in an NFL Game by Player

The most penalties in an NFL game occurred on October 10, 2004, when the New York Jets played the Buffalo Bills. In that game, there were 41 total penalties called, including 33 accepted. The Jets were penalized 23 times for 195 yards, while the Bills were penalized 18 times for 157 yards.


Based on the data, it seems that the most penalties in an NFL game occurred in the 2001 season. In that season, there were 1,030 total penalties. The second most penalized season was in 2008, with 1,017 penalties.

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